Noboru Sotooka1, Akiyoshi Kannari2, Haruyuki Higashino3, Kentaro Murano4, Mu Heilin3, A Nei1, Yasuhiko Kondo3

1Saitama University
2The Institute of Behavioral Sciences
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
4National Institute for Environmental Studies

8th International Conference for Atmospheric Sciences and Applications to Air Quality (Tsukuba, Japan 2003/3/13)


Emissions of SO2,NO2, NMVOCs,CO,NH3 and PM is estimated in East Asia. For NMVOCs and PM, secondary distributions into species or size for PM can be tried to estimate by the finger print methodology from this study. The main part of the research work is the estimation of emissions from artificial sources in China, so here we describe on the methodology and result of the estimation of emissions in China in detail. 

The original points of this study are as follows;
a) NO2 emission estimation based on emission factors observed in China, which provide extremely accurate result than the previous studies which used European or U.S. emission factors. 

b) Biomass fuel use in rural area for cooking and space or water heating is traced in detail and accurately. In the application of the China energy statistics, we considered the humidity level in biomass fuels. 

c) In the process of emission estimation, energy consumption in residential house or farmer house is distributed to end use types of space and water heating, cooking, lighting and appliances. The component of end use share reflects the space heating load differences by regions. By b) and c), through the application of emission factors by facility type and fuel type, as result, accurate amount of emissions from biomass fuel use can be estimated. 

d) PM emissions from artificial sources are tried to be estimated using emission factors observed in China partly and by assumption of removal rate based on the installed dust collectors. 

e) Regional distribution to 1 [degree] by 1 degree [longitude latitude system] (or 0.5 by 0.5 degree ,when it is possible) is processed by the assumed point source methodology using statistical urban activities data by city and prefecture@and point source data of the large power plants and factories. 
f) Emission height can be estimated by the detailed source activity sector.


emissin inventory, East Asia, air pollutants, modeling

Research Center for Chemical Risk Management 

National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology