"Approach on population-level risk assessment of 4-nonylphenol for medaka using Ramas Ecotoxicology model

Meng Yaobin, Lin Bin-Le

National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology

37th Society of Environmental Science, Japan  (Kumamoto, Japan 2003/3/5)


Population-level risk of 4-nonnylphenol on medaka (Oryzias Latipes) was assessed based on its toxicity data of full-life cycle by employing Ramas Ecotoxicology software. The Effect Concentration (EC50) and slope at EC50 were calculated for Probit, Weibull and Logit dose-response models, respectively. 

Based on the life duration and stage transition survey in literature, survival rates were calculated. A stochastic population dynamic model was constructed and simulated by Ramas Ecotoxicology. using the dose-response parameters, survival rates and fecundity rate. Simulation results show the population-level risk of 4-nonylphenol on medaka in terms of abundance, quansi-extinction and apparent growth rate.


Ramas model, medaka, 4-nonylphenol, population-level risk assessment

Research Center for Chemical Risk Management 

National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology