"Sources of PCBs in urban air and factors affecting their concentrations  

Isamu Ogura1, Shigeki Masunaga2, Kikuo Yoshida1, Junko Nakanishi1

1National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
2Yokohama National University

22nd International Symposium on Halogenated Environmental Organic Pollutants and POPs (Barcelona 2002/8/12)


In order to estimate the relative contributions of PCBs produced by volatilization and incinerator emissions to atmospheric PCBs, we analyzed the relationships among variations in atmospheric concentrations of congeners, factors affecting atmospheric concentrations, and temperature dependence of atmospheric concentrations.


Co-PCB, PCDD, PCDF, Dioxin, atmospheric environment, fate, air, model, source identification, volatilization 

Research Center for Chemical Risk Management 

National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology