Name: ISHIKAWA Yuriko

  Doctor of Science

Research Subjects:
1. Exposure water modeling of chemicals in Japan
2. Development of risk assessment models for chemical substances in water environment
3. Risk assessment of nonylphenol and their related compounds in Japan

Research fields:

Exposure water model, Risk Assessment, nonylphenol

Research papers:

1. Yuriko Ishikawa and Hiroshi Hara:Historical change in precipitation pH at Kobe, Japan : 1935-1961, Atmospheric Environment, 31, 2367-2369 (1997).
2. Yuriko Ishikawa, Kenichiro Yoshimura, Atsuko Mori and Hiroshi Hara:High sulfate and nitrate concentrations in precipitation at Nagasaki impacted by long-distant and local sources, Atmospheric Environment, 32, 2939-2945 (1998).
3. Yuriko Ishikawa, Takuya Ohno, Junichi Ohyama, Kan Ogawa and Hiroshi Hara: Acidification of Precipitation at Ryori, Japan for 1976-1994, Tenki, 45, 351-360 (1998).
4. Yuriko Ishikawa: Acidification: Data on Chemical Analysis of Precipitation Published in Geophysical Review for 1935-1961 in Terms of Historical Records of Wet Deposition, Tenki, 47, 75-81 (2000).
5. Yuriko Ishikawa: Temporal Variations of Acid Rain based on the Records of Precipitation Analyses at Nishigahara, Tokyo, for 1913-1940, Geographical Review of Japan, 74A-1, 1-18 (2001).

Research Center for Chemical Risk Management 

National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology