Name: KAMITANI, Takafumi

  Doctor of Environmental Study

Research Subjects:
1. Analysis on behavior of chemicals in soil
2. Ecological risk assessment of chromium

Research fields:
Soil Ecology, Soil Physics

Research papers:
1. Kamitani, T., Oba, H., Kaneko, N. (2006) Microbial biomass and tolerance of microbial community on an aged heavy metal polluted floodplain in Japan. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 172:185-200.

2. Kamitani, T., Kaneko, N. (2006) The Earthtron facility for below-ground manipulation study. Ecological Research, 21:483-487.

3. Kamitani, T., Kaneko, N. (in press) Species-specific heavy metal accumulation patterns of earthworms on a floodplain in Japan. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety

Research Center for Chemical Risk Management 

National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology