氏名:加茂 将史 KAMO Masashi (理学博士)
1) Kamo, M., Kubo, T. and Iwasa, Y.
Neural network for female mate preference, trained by a genetic algorithm.
Philosophical Transactions Royal Society of London Ser. B, 353; 399-460 (1998)
2) Kamo, M. and Iwasa, Y.
Evolution of preference for consonances as a by-product.
Evolutionary Ecology Research, 2; 375-383 (2000)
3) Kamo, M., Ghirlanda, S. and Enquist, M.
Evolution of Signal Form: The Effects of Individually Learned versus Genetically Inherited Recognition.
Proceedings of the Royal Society London ser. B 269; 1765-1771 (2002)
4) Kamo, M. and Sasaki, A.
The effect of cross-immunity and seasonal forcing in multi-strain epidemic model.
Physica D, 165; 228-241 (2002)
5) Greenman, J., Kamo, M. and Boots, M.
External Forcing of Epidemiological Systems: A geometric resonance approach.
Physica D, 190; 136-151 (2004)
6) Kamo, M. and Boots, M.
The curse of the pharaoh in space: obligate killing, free-living infectious stages and the evolution of virulence in spatially explicit populations.
Journal of Theoretical Biology, 3; 435-441 (2004)
7) Kamo, M. and Sasaki, A.
Evolution towards multi-year periodicity in epidemics.
Ecology Letters , 印刷中
8) 加茂将史 生態学事典 項目名:般化 共立出版 (2003)
9) 加茂将史 生態学事典 項目名:ニューラルネットワークモデル 共立出版 (2003)