@Article{yoshida:jrs:1998, author = {Yoshida, Eiichi and Arai, Tamio yand Yamamoto, Masakazu and Ota, Jun}, title = {Local Communication of Multiple Mobile Robots: Design of Optimal Communication Area for Cooperative Tasks}, journal = {Journal of Robotic Systems}, year = {1998}, volume = {15}, number = {7}, pages = {407--419}, month = {July}, doi = {10.1002/(SICI)1097-4563(199807)15:73.0.CO;2-Q}, url = {https://staff.aist.go.jp/e.yoshida/papers/jrs98.pdf}, abstract = {This paper presents an optimal design for local communication between multiple mobile robots. In previous studies of local communication in multirobot systems, the area of communication was not designed using mathematical analysis, but only time-consuming simulations of multirobot communications. We analyzed the information transmission efficiency and created an optimal communication area that minimizes the information transmission time to multiple robots. This optimization comprises two steps. First, we derive the \textquotedblleft information transmission probability\textquotedblright for various task models. Next, the derived information transmission probability is used to minimize the information transmission time. The optimal communication design is tested for various tasks, using system parameters. The analytical results are further verified by using computer simulations of multirobot communications and experiments with local communication.}, publisher = {JOHN WILEY \& SONS INC}, address = {111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, NJ 07030 USA} }