@InProceedings{yonekura:humanoids:2012, author = {Yonekura, Kenta and Nakaoka, Shin\textquotesingle ichiro and Yokoi, Kazuhito}, title = {Whole-body motion input method for bipedal humanoid robot with support leg detection}, booktitle = {IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots}, year = {2012}, pages = {853--858}, address = {Osaka, Japan}, month = {November 29-December 1}, keywords = {Humanoid robots, Foot, Joints, Robot kinematics, Legged locomotion, Service robots}, doi = {10.1109/HUMANOIDS.2012.6651620}, abstract = {We developed a key pose input system using a KinectTM sensor for Choreonoid, an integrated software that helps to generate humanoid robot motion easily. The system captures a real human pose and calculates the joint angles of a humanoid robot to generate its key pose. The proposed method is able to detect the support leg automatically and calculate a set of joint angles for the humanoid robot which satisfies the support condition.} }