@Article{tsuji:jrm:2010, author = {Tsuji, Tokuo and Harada, Kensuke and Kaneko, Kenji and Kanehiro, Fumio and Maruyama, Kenichi}, title = {Grasp Planning for a Multi-fingered Hand with a Humanoid Robot}, journal = {Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics}, year = {2010}, volume = {22}, number = {2}, pages = {230--238}, month = {April}, doi = {10.20965/jrm.2010.p0230}, url = {https://www.fujipress.jp/main/wp-content/themes/Fujipress/pdf\_subscribed.php}, keywords = {multifingered hand, humanoid robot, grasp, planning, OpenRTM, force closure}, abstract = {This paper presents grasp planning for a multifingered hand with a humanoid robot. Our planner selects different ways of grasping even for the same object according to object position/orientation. If the planner cannot find a feasible grasp with arm/hand kinematics, it switches to full body motion planning. These functions are necessary for realizing the robust grasp planning. Our planner defines convex models on both the object and each grasp type. In considering geometrical relationships among these convex models, we determine the parameters required to define the final grasping configuration. We demonstrate effectiveness of grasp planning through simulation and experimental results.}, publisher = {FUJI TECHNOLOGY Press LTD.} }