@InProceedings{sellaouti:iros:2006, author = {Sellaouti, Ramzi and Stasse, Olivier and Kajita, Shuuji and Yokoi, Kazuhito and Kheddar, Abderrahmane}, title = {Faster and Smoother Walking of Humanoid HRP-2 with Passive Toe Joints}, booktitle = {IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems}, year = {2006}, pages = {4909--4914}, address = {Beijing, China}, month = {October 9-October 15}, url = {https://homepages.laas.fr/ostasse/IROS2006Ramzi.pdf}, keywords = {Passive toe joint, Under-actuated phase, Pattern generation, ZMP trajectory, Walking speed.}, doi = {10.1109/IROS.2006.282449}, abstract = {This paper addresses the role of toe joints in increasing the walking speed of biped robots. It is worthy that adding a toe joint will increase the step length thanks to the additional degree of freedom. But, the originality of this work is that longer steps are obtained thanks to an under-actuated phase and an appropriate ZMP trajectory. The simulations showed that adding passive toe joints allows smoother and 1.5 faster walking} }