@InProceedings{neo:icra:2004, author = {Neo, Ee Sian and Yokoi, Kazuhito and Kajita, Shuuji and Saito, Hajime and Tanie, Kazuo}, title = {A stable foot teleoperation method for humanoid robots}, booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation}, year = {2004}, address = {New Orleans (LA), USA}, month = {April 26-May 1}, url = {https://www.academia.edu/1488832/A\_Stable\_Foot\_Teleoperation\_Method\_for\_Humanoid\_Robots}, keywords = {Foot, Humanoid robots, Legged locomotion, Humans, Force control, Motion control, Control systems, Service robots, Systems engineering and theory, Intelligent systems}, doi = {10.1109/ROBOT.2004.1307966}, abstract = {The establishment of an intuitive and effective whole body operation method is essential for the utilization of humanoid robots in real world tasks. Here we introduce a method for humanoid robot foot teleoperation, as a part of our whole body teleoperation system using only a simple joystick device. This paper explains a framework for real-time foot operation which incorporates the operator\textquotesingle s foot command and robot\textquotesingle s autonomy in maintaining balance. We describe the algorithm of an autonomous function which shifts the position of the robot\textquotesingle s center of mass interactively based on the operator\textquotesingle s command and the current feet condition of the robot. We report on successful experimental results of teleoperating a real humanoid robot HRP-2 using the proposed method.} }