@InProceedings{miura:icra:2010, author = {Miura, Kanako and Nakaoka, Shin\textquotesingle ichiro and Morisawa, Mitsuharu and Kanehiro, Fumio and Harada, Kensuke and Kajita, Shuuji}, title = {Analysis on a Friction Based \textasciigrave \textasciigrave Twirl" for Biped Robots}, booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation}, year = {2010}, pages = {4249--4255}, address = {Anchorage (AK), USA}, month = {May 3-May 8}, url = {http://vigir.missouri.edu/\textasciitilde gdesouza/Research/Conference\_CDs/IEEE\_ICRA\_2010/data/papers/2010.pdf}, keywords = {Friction, Humanoid robots, Turning, Legged locomotion, Foot, Robotics and automation, Service robots, Intelligent robots, USA Councils, Motion analysis}, doi = {10.1109/ROBOT.2010.5509520}, abstract = {This paper presents preliminary results and analysis on generating turning motion of a humanoid robot by slipping the feet on the ground. Humans unconsciously exploit the fact that our feet slip on the ground; such slip motion is necessary for humanoids so as to realize sophisticated human-like motions. In order to generate the slip motion, we need to predict the amount of slip. We propose the hypothesis that the turning motion is caused by the effect of minimizing the power generated by floor friction. A model of rotation by friction force is described on the basis of our hypothesis. The case that a robot applies the same force on both feet is discussed; then, we extend the discussion to the case of different force distribution. The hypothesis is verified through experiments with a humanoid robot HRP-2.} }