@InProceedings{kita:humanoids:2013a, author = {Kita, Nobuyuki and Morisawa, Mitsuharu and Kanehiro, Fumio}, title = {Foot Landing State Estimation from Point Cloud at a Landing Place}, booktitle = {IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots}, year = {2013}, pages = {252--259}, address = {Atlanta, Geogia, USA}, month = {October 15-October 17}, url = {https://staff.aist.go.jp/n.kita/work/publications/Humanoids13.pdf}, keywords = {Foot, Legged locomotion, Three-dimensional displays, Robot sensing systems, Shape, Rough surfaces}, doi = {10.1109/HUMANOIDS.2013.7029984}, abstract = {A method that estimates a foot landing state at a designated landing place from a point cloud of an uneven surface or rough terrain is proposed. The method geometrically searches for the stable pose of the foot and outputs not only the position and orientation but also the shape of the support polygon of the stable foot. The experimental results using point clouds obtained by simulation and real sensing are evaluated. The proposed method can also perform an important role for uneven surface walking by using HRP-2 in a simulation.} }