@InProceedings{kaneko:iros:2011b, author = {Kaneko, Kenji and Kanehiro, Fumio and Morisawa, Mitsuharu and Tsuji, Tokuo and Miura, Kanako and Nakaoka, Shin\textquotesingle ichiro nad Kajita, Shuuji and Yokoi, Kazuhito}, title = {Hardware Improvement of Cybernetic Human HRP-4C for Entertainment Use}, booktitle = {IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems}, year = {2011}, pages = {4392--4399}, address = {San Francisco (CA), USA}, month = {September 25-September 30}, url = {https://staff.aist.go.jp/k.kaneko/publications/2011\_publications/IROS2011-0107.pdf}, keywords = {Foot, Joints, Humanoid robots, Thumb, Humans, Gears, Databases}, doi = {10.1109/IROS.2011.6094415}, abstract = {Hardware improvement of cybernetic human HRP-4C for entertainment is presented in this paper. We coined the word \textquestiondown Cybernetic Human\textquestiondown to explain a humanoid robot with a realistic head and a realistic figure of a human being. HRP-4C stands for Humanoid Robotics Platform-4 (Cybernetic human). Its joints and dimensions conform to average values of young Japanese females and HRP-4C looks very human-like. We have made HRP-4C present in several events to search for a possibility of use in the entertainment industry. Based on feedback from our experience, we improved its hardware. The new hand, the new foot with active toe joint, and the new eye with camera are introduced.} }