@InProceedings{kaneko:iros:2008, author = {Kaneko, Kenji and Harada, Kensuke and Kanehiro, Fumio and Miyamori, Go and Akachi, Kazuhiko}, title = {Humanoid Robot HRP-3}, booktitle = {IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems}, year = {2008}, pages = {2471--2478}, address = {Nice,France}, month = {September 22-September 26}, url = {https://staff.aist.go.jp/k.kaneko/publications/2008\_publications/IROS2008-0075.pdf}, keywords = {Joints, Fingers, Humanoid robots, Grasping, Gears, Legged locomotion, Robots}, doi = {10.1109/IROS.2008.4650604}, abstract = {In this paper, the development of humanoid robot HRP-3 is presented. HRP-3, which stands for Humanoid Robotics Platform-3, is a human-size humanoid robot developed as the succeeding model of HRP-2. One of features of HRP-3 is that its main mechanical and structural components are designed to prevent the penetration of dust or spray. Another is that its wrist and hand are newly designed to improve manipulation. Software for a humanoid robot in a real environment is also improved. We also include information on mechanical features of HRP-3 and together with the newly developed hand. Also included are the technologies implemented in HRP-3 prototype. Electrical features and some experimental results using HRP-3 are also presented.} }