@InProceedings{kanehiro:iros:2008, author = {Kanehiro, Fumio and Suleiman, Wael and Lamiraux, Florent and Yoshida, Eiichi and Laumond, Jean-Paul}, title = {Integrating Dynamics into Motion Planning for Humanoid Robots}, booktitle = {IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems}, year = {2008}, pages = {660--667}, address = {Nice,France}, month = {September 22-September 26}, url = {https://homepages.laas.fr/florent/publi/08iros-fumio.pdf}, keywords = {Trajectory, Joints, Humanoid robots, Planning, Shape, Robots, Timing}, doi = {10.1109/IROS.2008.4650950}, abstract = {This paper proposes an whole body motion planning method for humanoid robots in which dynamics is integrated. The method consists of two stages. A collision-free and statically stable path is planned in the first stage and it is transformed into a dynamically stable trajectory in the second stage. Contributions of the method is summarized as follows. (1) A local method plans a C 1 path while avoiding collisions between non-strictly convex objects. (2) The second stage gives the minimum time trajectory by time parameterization under dynamic balance constraints. (3) Any path reshaping for recovering collision-freeness is not required since the second stage doesnpsilat change shape of the path. Effectiveness of the method is examined by applying it to scenarios of a humanoid robot HRP-2.} }