@InProceedings{kanehiro:icra:2001, author = {Kanehiro, Fumio and Inaba, Masayuki and Inoue, Hirochika and Hirukawa, Hirohisa and Hirai, Shigeoki}, title = {Developmental Software Environment that is applicable to Small-size Humanoids and Life-size Humanoids}, booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation}, year = {2001}, address = {Seoul, South Korea}, month = {May 21-May 26}, keywords = {Hardware, Humanoid robots, Environmental management, Biological system modeling, Switches, Robotics and automation, Computer interfaces, Robot sensing systems, Microprocessors, Software development management}, doi = {10.1109/ROBOT.2001.933256}, abstract = {In this paper, the developmental software environment for humanoids is introduced. This environment has the following features: 1) a hardware concealment function which saves the trouble with hardware improvements; 2) an incremental expansion function which supports a long-term development by many developers; and 3) a centralised management of body information which enables the robots to share software among different bodies. These features are realized by the plug-in architecture, the universal robot model and its compilers. Using plug-ins enables one to accumulate functions developed by different developers and to switch computer interfaces of the robot body. The universal robot model and compilers promote the use of external software and share software modules among different bodies.} }