@InProceedings{kajita:icra:2001a, author = {Kajita, Shuuji and Matsumoto, Osamu and Saigo, Muneharu}, title = {Real-time 3D walking patttern generation for a biped robot with telescopic legs}, booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation}, year = {2001}, address = {Seoul, South Korea}, month = {May 21-May 26}, url = {http://users.dimi.uniud.it/\textasciitilde antonio.dangelo/Robotica/dissertations/helper/K0529.pdf}, keywords = {Legged locomotion, Leg, Orbital robotics, Knee, Motion control, Humanoid robots, Hip, Servomotors, Robot sensing systems, Mechanical engineering}, doi = {10.1109/ROBOT.2001.932965}, abstract = {Meltran V, a new biped robot with telescopic legs, is introduced. For 3D walking control of the robot we analyze the dynamics of a three-dimensional inverted pendulum in which motion is constrained to move along an arbitrarily defined plane. From this analysis we obtain simple linear dynamics, the three-dimensional linear inverted pendulum mode (3D-LIPM). Using a real-time control method based on 3D-LIPM, the Meltran V robot successfully demonstrated 3D dynamic walking without the use of any prepared trajectories.} }