@InProceedings{kajita:humanoids:2018, author = {Kajita, Shuuji and Benallegue, Mehdi and Cisneros, Rafael and Sakaguchi, Takeshi and Nakaoka, Shin\textquotesingle ichiro and Morisawa, Mitsuharu and Kaminaga, Hiroshi and Kumagai, Iori and Kaneko, Kenji and Kanehiro, Fumio}, title = {Biped Gait Control Based on Spatially Quantized Dynamics}, booktitle = {IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots}, year = {2018}, address = {Beijing, China}, month = {November 6-November 9}, url = {http://crlab.cs.columbia.edu/humanoids\_2018\_proceedings/media/files/0042.pdf}, keywords = {Legged locomotion, Optimization, Hip, Kinematics, Humanoid robots, Knee}, doi = {10.1109/HUMANOIDS.2018.8624942}, abstract = {We have realized a biped walking control based on the spatially quantized dynamics (SQD) which discretizes a continuous system by a constant unit length along the walk direction. By using SQD, a prescribed sagittal kinematic pattern can be transformed into dynamically consistent robot motion in real-time. The lateral motion is generated by preview control which uses future ZMP predicted by SQD at every control cycle. A successful biped walk of HRP-2Kai with fully stretched knees and long stride was realized by the proposed method.} }