@Article{gabas:rb:2021, author = {Gabas, Antonio and Kita, Yasuyo and Yoshida, Eiichi}, title = {Dual Edge Classifier for Robust Cloth Unfolding}, journal = {Robomech Journal}, year = {2021}, pages = {1--12}, month = {April}, doi = {10.21203/rs.3.rs-151199/v1}, url = {https://robomechjournal.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s40648-021-00202-8}, keywords = {Cloth Manipulation, Deformable Objects, Unfolding; Robot Cloth Unfolding}, abstract = {Compared with more rigid objects, clothing items are inherently difficult for robots to recognize and manipulate. We propose a method for detecting how cloth is folded, to facilitate choosing a manipulative action that corresponds to a garment\textquotesingle s shape and position. The proposed method involves classifying the edges and corners of a garment by distinguishing between edges formed by folds and the hem or ragged edge of the cloth. Identifying the type of edges in a corner helps to determinate how the object is folded. This bottom-up approach, together with an active perception system, allows us to select strategies for robotic manipulation. We corroborate the method using a two-armed robot to manipulate towels of different shapes, textures, and sizes.}, publisher = {Springer Open} }