@InProceedings{dune:iros:2010, author = {Dune, Claire and Herdt, Andrei and Stasse, Olivier and Wieber, Pierre-Brice and Yokoi, Kazuhito and Yoshida, Eiichi}, title = {Cancelling the sway motion of dynamic walking in visual servoing}, booktitle = {IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems}, year = {2010}, pages = {3175--3180}, address = {Taipei, Taiwan}, month = {October 18-October 22}, url = {https://hal.inria.fr/inria-00567664/file/iros2010.pdf}, keywords = {Legged locomotion, Cameras, Visual servoing, Visualization, Trajectory, Generators}, doi = {10.1109/IROS.2010.5649126}, abstract = {This paper introduces a visual servoing scheme for humanoid walking. Though most of the existing approaches follow a perception-decision-action scheme, we close the loop so that the control is robust to model error. Our approach is based on a new reactive pattern generator which modifies, at the control level, the footsteps, the center of mass and the center of pressure trajectories for the center of mass to track a reference velocity. And, in this paper, the reference velocity is directly given by a visual servoing control law. Since, the HRP-2 walk induces a sway motion that disturbs the regulation of the visual control law, we introduce a control law allowing convergence in the image space and taking into account this sway motion.} }