@InProceedings{delmas:sii:2021, author = {Delmas, Sarah and Morbidi, Fabio and Caron, Guillaume and Albrand, Julien and Jeanne-Rose, Meven and Devigne, Louise and Babel, Marie}, title = {SpheriCol: A Driving Assistance System for Power Wheelchairs Based on Spherical Vision and Range Measurements}, booktitle = {IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration}, year = {2021}, pages = {505--510}, address = {Iwaki, Japan}, month = {January 11-January 14}, url = {https://home.mis.u-picardie.fr/\textasciitilde fabio/Eng/documenti/articoli/DeMoCaAlJeDeBa\_SII21.pdf}, doi = {10.1109/IEEECONF49454.2021.9382766}, abstract = {This paper presents "SpheriCol", a new driving assistance system for power wheelchair users. The ROS-based aid system combines spherical images from a twin-fisheye camera and range measurements from on-board exterocep-tive sensors, to synthesize different augmented views of the surrounding environment. Experiments with a Quickie Salsa wheelchair show that SpheriCol improves situational awareness and supports user\textquotesingle s decision in challenging maneuvers, such as passing through a door or corridor centering.} }