@InProceedings{battaglia:iros:2009, author = {Battaglia, Martin and Blanchet, Laurent and Kheddar, Abderrahmane and Kajita, Shuuji and Yokoi, Kazuhito}, title = {Combining Haptic Sensing with Safe Interaction}, booktitle = {IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems}, year = {2009}, pages = {231--236}, address = {St. Louis (MO), USA}, month = {October 11-October 15}, url = {http://vigir.missouri.edu/\textasciitilde gdesouza/Research/Conference\_CDs/IEEE\_IROS\_2009/papers/1310.pdf}, keywords = {Haptic interfaces, Contacts, Switches, Robotic assembly, Robot sensing systems, Costs, Sheet materials, Robustness, Humans, Prototypes}, doi = {10.1109/IROS.2009.5354141}, abstract = {We propose a solution which combines haptic sensing with safe interaction, at low cost. Contact locations are made through a flexible sheet of tactile binary switch matrix. This sheet covers the surface of a rigid bumper module assembled to the robot\textquotesingle s basic link through a distributed pressure sensing units. Combination of location and force provides the haptic sensing module. The haptic system is covered with a flexible outer material which role is to absorb contact impacts and to cast local surface profile on which the robot can take support. This overall system allows having a combined haptic sensing with safe and robust physical interaction with both the environment and the human using active compliance. We discuss the benefit of such a simple and modular concept and present how to design the cover material. A simple prototype is realized and experienced.} }