5.4. Geometric Parameters

Parameters related to geometric properties are map projection, ellipsoid, pixel size and resampling method. Major features of these parameters are as follows.

  1. Map Projection
    • Map projections are limited to Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM), Lambert Conformal Conic (LCC), Polar Stereographic (PS), Space Oblique Mercator (SOM) and uniform Lat/Long.
    • Map direction is limited to Path Oriented.
    • For UTM, two standard longitude line method is adopted with a reduction rate of 0.9996 to define the cylinder.
    • For LCC, two standard latitude lines of 53 and 67 degrees are adopted to define the cone position and angle.
    • For PS, a standard latitude line of 70 degrees is adopted to define the plane position.
    • FOR SOM, the nominal orbit path line is used as the position for contacting to the projected plane.
    • Default map projection is UTM, regardless of latitude.

  2. Ellipsoid

  3. The Earth ellipsoid is limited to WGS-84. Therefore, it should be noted that the observation point expressed as latitude and longitude is the intersection of WGS-84 ellipsoid and an extension of the line-of-sight vector. The terrain error is included in the latitude and longitude values caused by a difference between the WGS-84 ellipsoid and the actual Earth's surface as shown in Figure 5-6

    Figure 5-6 Terrain error

    Figure 5-6 Terrain error

  4. Pixel Size
    • It is the basic policy that the map-projected pixel size should not depend on data acquisition conditions such as instrument cross-track pointing and orbit drift but depends only on the Earth's surface position (latitude/longitude) for each map projection.
    • The nominal pixel sizes are 15 m, 30 m and 90 m for VNIR, SWIR and TIR, respectively.
    • Map-projected pixel sizes meet the nominal sizes along the standard lines.

  5. Resampling Method
    • The nearest neighbor (NN), bi-linear (BL) and cubic convolution (CC) methods are available types of resampling.
    • Default resampling method is cubic convolution