4.5. Metadata

Level-1A meta data consists of the following eight groups.

(1) Inventory Metadata
(2) ASTER Generic Metadata
(3) GDS Generic Metadata
(4) Product Specific Metadata VNIR
(5) Product Specific Metadata SWIR
(6) Product Specific Metadata TIR
(7) Bad Pixel Information

The term "metadata" relates to all information of a descriptive nature that is associated with a product or dataset. This includes information that identifies a dataset, giving characteristics such as its origin, contents, quality, and condition. Metadata can also provide the information needed to decode, process and interpret the data, and can include items such as the software used to create the data. Metadata entries are described in Object Description Language (ODL) and CLASS system (for two-dimensional arrays). Details are provided in "ASTER Level-1 Data Products Specification". The relationship between the metadata and the HDF attribute name is shown in Table 4-2.

Table 4-2 Relationship between Metadata and HDF Attribute Name
MetadataHDF Attribute Name
Inventory Metadatacoremetadata.0
ASTER Generic Metadataproductmetadata.0
GDS Generic Metadataproductmetadata.1
Product Specific MetadataVNIR: productmetadata.v
SWIR: productmetadata.s
TIR; productmetadata.t
Bad Pixel Informationbadpixelinformation