3. Level-1B Processing Algorithm

3.1. Map Projection

Level-1A data product consists of the image data, the radiometric coefficients, the geometric correction coefficients and the auxiliary data. The Level-1B data products will be generated by using these data for the requested map projection and resampling method.

Figure 3-1 shows the pseudo-affine coefficients generation algorithm flow for map projections such as UTM, LCC, SOM, Polar Stereo and Uniform Lat/Long. The coordinate transformation from latitude/longitude to the selected map projection coordinates is followed by the coordinate transformation to Level-1 coordinates according to the pixel size units of each band. The path-oriented coordinates are used rather than the map-oriented coordinates in order to keep the image quality as close to the Level-0 data as possible. The pixel sizes of Level-1 are 15 m for VNIR bands, 30 m for SWIR bands and 90 m for TIR bands on the standard lines for each map projection regardless of real pixel sizes which depends slightly on the spacecraft altitude and pointing angle.

A set of the pseudo-affine transformation coefficients which consists of eight coefficients are generated for each block of Level-1 coordinates by using the relation from the Level-0B to the Level-1 coordinates according to the well-established usual procedure. The size of the block is the same as that of Level-0 coordinates.

Figure 3-1 Map Projection