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技術資料 国際FEP(仮訳)



付属書C, 国際FEPリストに付属する用語集、定義とコメント(仮訳)




Radioactive Waste Management
Features, Events and Processes (FEPs) for Geologic Disposal of Radioactive Waste
An International Database


The following pages are extracted from Version 1.0 of the International FEP Database.
The FEP records are printed in classification scheme order, see Table B.2 in Appendix B. International FEP names and scheme numbers are in bold, definitions are in normal type, and comments in italics.





影響, 時間, 空間の考慮の範囲処分場, 人間の行為, 行なう人間, 被ばく線量に関する仮定評価の目的, 規制の要件と除外, モデルとデータ




Factors that the analyst will consider in determining the scope of the analysis. These may include factors related to regulatory requirements, definition of desired calculation end-points and requirements in a particular phase of assessment. Decisions at this point will affect the phenomenological scope of a particular phase of assessment, i.e. what “Physical FEPs” will be included.
“Assessment Basis” is a category in the International FEP List and is subdivided into individual FEPs.


考慮する影響 (Impacts of concern 0.01)

影響, 時間, 空間の考慮の範囲処分場, 人間の行為, 行なう人間, 被ばく線量に関する仮定評価の目的, 規制の要件と除外, モデルとデータ




The long-term human health and environmental effects or risks that may arise from the disposed wastes and repository. These FEPs include health or environmental effects of concern in an assessment (what effect and to whom/what), and health or environmental effects ruled to be of no concern.
The impact most frequently considered is the radiation dose or risk to man, often represented by the annual dose rate or risk to a member of a “critical group” of potentially most exposed individuals (see FEP 0.06).
Examples of other impacts that have been considered in safety assessments are increases in radiation levels in the environment, and release or concentrations of non-radiological toxic contaminants.


考慮する時間スケール (Timescales of concern 0.02)

影響, 時間, 空間の考慮の範囲処分場, 人間の行為, 行なう人間, 被ばく線量に関する仮定評価の目的, 規制の要件と除外, モデルとデータ



The time periods over which the disposed wastes and repository may present some significant human health or environmental hazard.
These may correspond to the timescale over which the safety of the disposed wastes and repository is estimated or discussed. In some countries national regulations set a limit up to which quantitative assessment is required, with more qualitative arguments to demonstrate safety being sufficient at later times.


考慮する空間領域 (Spatial domain of concern 0.03)

影響, 時間, 空間の考慮の範囲処分場, 人間の行為, 行なう人間, 被ばく線量に関する仮定評価の目的, 規制の要件と除外, モデルとデータ



The domain over which the disposed wastes and repository may present some significant human health or environmental hazard.
This may correspond to the spatial domain over which the safety of the disposed wastes and repository is estimated, or the domain which it is necessary to model in order to develop an understanding of the movement of contaminants and exposures.


処分場に関する仮定 (Repository assumptions 0.04)

影響, 時間, 空間の考慮の範囲処分場, 人間の行為, 行なう人間, 被ばく線量に関する仮定評価の目的, 規制の要件と除外, モデルとデータ



The assumptions that are made in the assessment about the construction, operation, closure and administration of the repository.
For example, most post-closure assessments make the assumption that a repository has been successfully closed, although, in practice such decisions may be delayed or the subject of uncertainty.


将来の人間の行為に関する仮定 (Future human action assumptions 0.05)

影響, 時間, 空間の考慮の範囲処分場, 人間の行為, 行なう人間, 被ばく線量に関する仮定評価の目的, 規制の要件と除外, モデルとデータ




The assumptions made in the assessment concerning general boundary conditions for assessing future human action.
For example, it can be expected that human technology and society will develop over the timescales of relevance for repository safety assessment, however, this development is unpredictable. Therefore, it is usual to make some assumptions in order to constrain the range of future human activities that are considered. A common assumption is that only present-day technologies, or technologies practised in the past will be considered.


将来の人間のふるまい(対象グループ)に関する仮定 (Future human behaviour (target group) assumptions 0.06)

影響, 時間, 空間の考慮の範囲処分場, 人間の行為, 行なう人間, 被ばく線量に関する仮定評価の目的, 規制の要件と除外, モデルとデータ



The assumptions made concerning potentially exposed individuals or population groups that are considered in the assessment.
Doses or risks are usually estimated for in dividuals or groups (critical groups) thought to be representative of the individuals or population groups that may be at highest risk or receive the highest doses as a result of the disposed wastes and repository. This is the accepted approach for assessing radiological risk or dose to members of the public resulting from a source of radioactive release to the environment. To assess the doses or risks at times in the far future, when the characteristics of potentially exposed populations are unknown a hypothetical critical group, or groups, is/are usually defined.


被ばく線量に関する仮定 (Dose response assumptions 0.07)

影響, 時間, 空間の考慮の範囲処分場, 人間の行為, 行なう人間, 被ばく線量に関する仮定評価の目的, 規制の要件と除外, モデルとデータ


通常,これは,例えば,単位放射線被ばく当たりの特定された健康影響の確率である線量 – リスク換算係数による,個人線量の生体反応を指している.もし,その場合人体組織への影響が考慮されるなら,個々の組織又は種に対するリスクが考慮されるかもしれない.



Those assumptions made in an assessment in order to convert received dose to a measure of risk to an individual or population.
Usually this will refer to individual human dose response, e.g. by a dose-risk conversion factor where the factor is the probability of a specified health effect per unit of radiation exposure. If other organisms are considered then a risk to individual organisms or a species might be considered.
The variation of a given response or human health effect (e.g. cancer incidence, cancer mortality) with the amount of radiation dose an individual or a group of individuals received is referred to as the dose-response relation. It is not possible to determine the shape of the dose response curve at low doses with any precision, because the incidence of health effects is very low. A linear dose-response relation with no dose threshold is generally assumed to be cautious.


評価の目的 (Aims of the assessment 0.08)

影響, 時間, 空間の考慮の範囲処分場, 人間の行為, 行なう人間, 被ばく線量に関する仮定評価の目的, 規制の要件と除外, モデルとデータ




The purpose for which the assessment is being undertaken.
For example, it may be to demonstrate the feasibility of a disposal concept (concept assessment), or for the purposes of site selection, or for the demonstration of regulatory compliance. The aim of the assessment is likely to depend on the stage in the repository development project at which the assessment is carried out and may also affect the scope of assessment.


規制の要件と除外 (Regulatory requirements and exclusions 0.09)

影響, 時間, 空間の考慮の範囲処分場, 人間の行為, 行なう人間, 被ばく線量に関する仮定評価の目的, 規制の要件と除外, モデルとデータ




The specific terms or conditions in the national regulations or guidance relating to repository post closure safety assessment.
Regulatory requirements and exclusions may be expressed in terms of release, dose or risk limits or targets to individuals or populations effective over a specified timescale; they may also make demands about procedures following closure of the repository. In some regulations, the long-term scenarios to be assessed are specified, or some scenarios or events are specifically ruled out of consideration.


モデルとデータに関する事項 (Model and data issues 0.10)

影響, 時間, 空間の考慮の範囲処分場, 人間の行為, 行なう人間, 被ばく線量に関する仮定評価の目的, 規制の要件と除外, モデルとデータ



  • 不確実性の処理(以下を参照)
  • サイトデータの取扱方法
  • モデル,データの整理,簡易化
General (i.e. methodological) issues affecting the assessment modelling process and use of data.
Examples of general model and data issues are:

  • treatment of uncertainty (see below);
  • method of handling site data;
  • model and data reduction/simplification.







FEPs with causes or origin outside the disposal system domain, i.e. natural or human factors of a more global nature and their immediate effects. Included in this category are decisions related to repository design, operation and closure since these are outside the temporal boundary of the disposal system domain for post-closure assessment.
“External Factors” is a category in the International FEP List and is divided into sub-categories.


処分場に関する事項 (REPOSITORY ISSUES 1.1)





Decisions on designs and waste allocation, and also events related to site investigation, operations and closure.
“Repository Issues” is a sub-category in the International FEP List and is divided into individual FEPs.


サイト調査 (Site investigation 1.1.01)




FEPs related to the investigations that are carried out at a potential repository site in order to characterise the site both prior to repository excavation and during construction and operation.
Site investigation activities provide detailed site-specific data that characterise the site, provide performance assessment data and establish baseline conditions.


掘削/建設 (Excavation/construction 1.1.02)



FEPs related to the excavation of shafts, tunnels, disposal galleries, silos etc. of a repository, the stabilisation of these openings and installation/assembly of structural elements.
This includes rock bolting, shotcrete, grouting construction of tunnel/shaft linings, drain layers and installation of services and waste handling components.


廃棄体の定置と埋め戻し (Emplacement of wastes and backfilling 1.1.03)




FEPs related to the placing of wastes (usually in containers) at their final position within the repository and placing of buffer and/of backfill materials.
This includes methods and schedule of emplacement.


処分場の閉鎖と封入 (Closure and repository sealing 1.1.04)




FEPs related to the cessation of waste disposal operations at a site and the backfilling and sealing of access tunnels and shafts.
The intention of repository sealing is to prevent human access to the wastes. Sealing should also promote a return to pre-excavation hydrogeological conditions. Individual sections of a repository may be closed in sequence, but closure usually refers to final closure of the whole repository, and will probably include removal of surface installations. The schedule and procedure for sealing and closure may need to be considered in the assessment.


記録と目印,処分場 (Records and markers, repository 1.1.05)




FEPs related to the retention of records of the content and nature of a repository after closure and also the placing of permanent markers at or near the site.
It is expected that records will be kept to allow future generations to recall the existence and nature of the repository following closure. In some countries, the use of site markers has been proposed where the intention is that the location and nature of the repository might be recalled even in the event of a lapse of present-day administrative controls.


廃棄体の配置 (Waste allocation 1.1.06)




FEPs related to the choices on allocation of wastes to the repository, including waste type(s) and amount(s).
The waste type and waste allocation is established in a general way in the repository disposal concept. There may, however, be a number of options concerning these factors. Final decisions may not be made until the repository is operating and will be subject to regulation. In safety assessments, assumptions may need to be made about future waste arisings and future waste allocation strategies.


処分場の設計 (Repository design 1.1.07)




FEPs related to the design of the repository including both the safety concept, i.e. the general features of design and how they are expected to lead to a satisfactory performance, and the more detailed engineering specification for excavation, construction and operation.
The repository design and construction is established in a general way in the disposal concept for the repository which is based on expected host rock characteristics, waste and backfill characteristics, construction technology, and economics. There may, nevertheless, be a range of engineering design and construction options still open. As the repository project proceeds, and more detailed site-specific information becomes available, the range of options may be constrained and decisions will be made. At any stage, repository safety assessments may only analyse a subset of the total range of options.


品質管理 (Quality control 1.1.08)




FEPs related to quality assurance and control procedures and tests during the design, construction and operation of the repository, as well as the manufacture of the waste forms, containers and engineered features.
It can be expected that a range of quality control measures will be applied during construction and operation of the repository, as well as to the manufacture of the waste forms, containers etc. In an assessment these may be invoked to avoid analysis of situations which, it is expected, can be prevented by quality control. There may be specific regulations governing quality control procedures, objectives and criteria.


スケジュールと計画 (Schedule and planning 1.1.09)




FEPs related to the sequence of events and activities occurring during repository excavation, construction, waste emplacement and sealing.
Relevant events may include phased excavation of caverns and emplacement of wastes, backfilling, sealing and closure of sections of the repository after wastes are emplaced, and monitoring activities to provide data on the transient behaviour of the system or to provide input to the final assessment. The sequence of events and time between events may have implications for long term performance, e.g. decline of activity and heat production from the wastes, material degradation, chemical and hydraulic changes during a prolonged “open” phase.


処分場の管理 (Administrative control, repository site 1.1.10)




FEPs related to measures to control events at or around the repository site both during the operational period and after closure.
The responsibility for administrative control of the site before closure of the repository during the construction and operational phases, and subsequently following closure of the repository may not be the same.
Furthermore, the type of administrative control may vary depending on the stage in the repository lifetime.


処分場のモニタリング (Monitoring of repository 1.1.11)



FEPs related to any monitoring that is carried out during operations or following closure of sections of, or the total, repository. This includes monitoring for operational safety and also monitoring of parameters related to the long-term safety and performance.
The extent and requirement for such monitoring activities may be determined by repository design and geological setting, regulations and public pressure.


事故と予期しえない出来事 (Accidents and unplanned events 1.1.12)




FEPs related to accidents and unplanned events during excavation, construction, waste emplacement and closure which might have an impact on long-term performance or safety.
Accidents are events that are outside the range of normal operations although the possibility that certain types of accident may occur should be anticipated in repository operational planning. Unplanned events include accidents but could also include deliberate deviations from operational plans, e.g. in response to an accident, unexpected geological event or unexpected waste arising during operations.


回収可能性 (Retrievability 1.1.13)




FEPs related to any special design, emplacement, operational or administrative measures that might be applied or considered in order to enable or ease retrieval of wastes.
Designs may specifically allow for retrieval or rule it out. In some cases, an interim period might be planned, between waste emplacement and final repository sealing, during which time retrieval is possible.







Processes arising from the wider geological setting and long-term processes.
“Geological Processes and Effects” is a sub-category in the International FEP List and is divided into individual FEPs.


構造運動と造山運動 (Tectonic movements and orogeny 1.2.01)




Tectonic movements are movements of rock masses as a result of movements of the Earth’s crustal plates; regionally the surface rocks respond to the underlying movements of plates. Orogeny is the process or period of mountain-building, often occurring over periods of hundreds of millions of years.
Orogenies may be associated with metamorphism, plutonism, and plastic deformation in deeper layers as well as thrusting, faulting and folding in the lithosphere which is the name given to the rigid, outermost layer of the earth, made up predominantly of solid rocks.


弾性,塑性または脆性的変形 (Deformation, elastic, plastic or brittle 1.2.02)




FEPs related to the physical deformation of geological structures in response to geological forces. This includes faulting, fracturing, extrusion and compression of rocks.
A fault is a fracture in the Earth’ s crust accompanied by displacement of one side of the fracture relative to the other. Fractures may be caused by compressional or tensional forces in the Earth’s crust. Such forces may result in the activation of existing faults and, less likely, the generation of new faults.


地震活動 (Seismicity 1.2.03)




FEPs related to seismic events and also the potential for seismic events. A seismic event is caused by rapid relative movements within the Earth’s crust usually along existing faults or geological interfaces. The accompanying release of energy may result in ground movement and/or rupture, e.g. earthquakes.
Seismic events may result in changes in the physical properties of rocks due to stress changes and induced hydrological changes. Seismic events are most common in tectonically active or volcanically active regions at crustal plate margins. The seismic waves that are generated by a tectonic or volcanic disturbance of the ocean floor may result in a giant sea wave, known as a tsunami.


火山・マグマ活動 (Volcanic and magmatic activity 1.2.04)




Magma is molten, mobile rock material, generated below the Earth’s crust, which gives rise to igneous rocks when solidified. Magmatic activity occurs when there is intrusion of magma into the crust. A volcano is a vent or fissure in the Earth’s surface through which molten or part-molten materials (lava) may flow, and ash and hot gases be expelled.
The high temperatures and pressures associated with volcanic and magmatic activity may result in permanent changes in the surrounding rocks; this process is referred to as metamorphism but is not confined to volcanic and magmatic activity (see FEP 1.2.05).


変成作用 (Metamorphism 1.2.05)




The processes by which rocks are changed by the action of heat (T>200 C) and pressure at great depths (usually several kilometers) beneath the Earth’s surface or in the vicinity of magmatic activity.
Metamorphic processes are unlikely to be important at typical mined repository depths, but past metamorphic history of a host rock may be very important to understanding its present-day characteristics.


熱水活動 (Hydrothermal activity 1.2.06)




FEPs associated with high temperature groundwaters, including processes such as density-driven groundwater flow and hydrothermal alteration of minerals in the rocks through which the high temperature groundwater flows.
Groundwater temperature is determined by the large-scale geological and petrophysical properties of the rock formations (e.g. radiogenic heat formation, thermal conductivity), as well as the hydrogeological characteristics (e.g. hydraulic conductivity) of the rock.


浸食と堆積 (Erosion and sedimentation 1.2.07)




FEPs related the large scale (geological) removal and accumulation of rocks and sediments, with associated changes in topography and geological/hydrogeological conditions of the repository host rock.
Compare FEP 2.3.12 which is concerned with more local processes over shorter periods of time.


続成作用 (Diagenesis 1.2.08)



The processes by which deposited sediments at or near the Earth’s surface are formed into rocks by compaction, cementation and crystallisation, i.e. under conditions of temperature and pressure normal to the upper few kilometres of the earth’s crust.


岩塩のダイアピル作用と溶解 (Salt diapirism and dissolution 1.2.09)




The large scale evolution of salt formations. Diapirism is the lateral or vertical intrusion or upwelling of either buoyant or non-buoyant rock, into overlying strata (the overburden) from a source layer. Dissolution of the salt may occur where the evolving salt formation is in contact with groundwaters with salt content below saturation.
Diapirism is most commonly associated with salt formations where a salt diapir comprises a mass of salt that has flowed in a ductile manner from a source layer and pierces or intrudes into the over-lying rocks. The term can also be applied to magmatic or migmatic intrusion.


地質の変化に伴う水文学的/水文地質学的変化 (Hydrological/hydrogeological response to geological changes 1.2.10)




FEPs arising from large-scale geological changes. These could include changes of hydrological boundary conditions due to effects of erosion on topography, and changes of hydraulic properties of geological units due to changes in rock stress or fault movements.
In and below low-permeability geological formations, hydrogeological conditions may evolve very slowly and often reflect past geological conditions, i.e. be in a state of disequilibrium.






Processes related to global climate change and consequent regional effects.
“Climatic Processes and Effects” is a sub-category in the International FEP List and is divided into individual FEPs.


地球規模の気候変動 (Climate change, global 1.3.01)




FEPs related to the possible future, and evidence for past, long term change of global climate. This is distinct from resulting changes that may occur at specific locations according to their regional setting and also climate fluctuations, c.f. FEP 1.3.02.
The last two million years of the Quaternary have been characterised by glacial/interglacial cycling.
According to the Milankovitch Theory, the Quaternary glacial/interglacial cycles are caused by long term changes in seasonal and latitudinal distribution of incoming solar radiation which are due to the periodic variations of the Earth’ s orbit about the Sun (Milankovitch cycles). The direct effects are magnified by factors such as changes in ice, vegetation and cloud cover, and atmospheric composition.


地域的及び局所的な気候変動 (Climate change, regional and local 1.3.02)




FEPs related to the possible future changes, and evidence for past changes, of climate at a repository site. This is likely to occur in response to global climate change, but the changes will be specific to situation, and may include shorter term fluctuations, c.f. FEP 1.3.01.
Climate is characterised by a range of factors including temperature, precipitation and pressure as well as other components of the climate system such as oceans, ice and snow, biota and the land surface. The Earth’ s climate varies by location and for convenience broad climate types have been distinguished in assessments, e.g. tropical, savannah, mediterranean, temperate, boreal and tundra. Climatic changes lasting only a few decades are referred to as climatic fluctuations. These are unpredictable at the current state of knowledge although historical evidence indicates the degree of past fluctuations.


海面変化 (Sea level change 1.3.03)




FEPs related to changes in sea level which may occur as a result of global (eustatic) change and regional geological change, e.g. isostatic movements.
The component of sea-level change involving the interchange of water between land ice and the sea is referred to as eustatic change. As ice sheets melt so the ocean volume increases and sea levels rise. Sea level at a given location will also be affected by vertical movement of the land mass, e.g. depression and rebound due to glacial loading and unloading, referred to as isostatic change.


周氷河現象の影響 (Periglacial effects 1.3.04)


周氷河現象の重要な特性は,冬期の氷結から夏期の融解に至る季節変動であり,大量の水の移動や侵食が起こる可能性を伴うことである.氷結した下層土は永久凍土層と呼ばれる.季節の変わり目に氷が溶けてできた水は,永久凍土層があるために下部に浸透せずに,表層の土壌は水で飽和状態になる.この結果,ソリフラクション (流土)と呼ばれるマスムーブメントが発生する.永久凍土層があると,深部の水理領域は表面の水理領域から切り離される,深部の地下水は流れてタリクへ集中する.(タリクとは,局地的に凍っていない場所を言う.例えば,湖や大きな川の下,あるいは地下水が湧き出ている場所である)


FEPs related to the physical processes and associated landforms in cold but ice-sheet-free environments.
An important characteristic of periglacial environments is the seasonal change from winter freezing to summer thaw with large water movements and potential for erosion. The frozen subsoils are referred to as permafrost.
Meltwater of the seasonal thaw is unable to percolate downwards due to permafrost and saturates the surface materials, this can result in a mass movement called solifluction (literally soil-flow). Permafrost layers may isolate the deep hydrological regime from surface hydrology, or flow may be focused at tliks (localised unfrozen zones, e.g. under lakes, large rivers or at regions of groundwater discharge).


局所的な氷河と氷床の影響 (Glacial and ice sheet effects, local 1.3.05)



FEPs related to the effects of glaciers and ice sheets within the region of a repository, e.g. changes in the geomorphology, erosion, meltwater and hydraulic effects. This is distinct from the effect of large ice masses on global and regional climate, c.f. FEPs 1.3.01, 1.3.02.
Erosional processes (abrasion, overdeepening) associated with glacial action, especially advancing glaciers and ice sheets, and with glacial meltwaters beneath the ice mass and at the margins, can lead to morphological changes in the environment e.g. U-shaped valleys, hanging valleys, fjords and drumlins. Depositional features associated with glaciers and ice sheets include moraines and eskers. The pressure of the ice mass on the landscape may result in significant hydrogeological effects and even depression of the regional crustal plate.


暖かい気候の影響(熱帯と砂漠) (Warm climate effects (tropical and desert) 1.3.06)




FEPs related to warm tropical and desert climates, including seasonal effects, and meteorological and geomorphological effects special to these climates.
Regions with a tropical climate may experience extreme weather patterns (monsoons, hurricanes), that could result in flooding, storm surges, high winds etc. with implications for erosion and hydrology. The high temperatures and humidity associated with tropical climates result in rapid biological degradation and soils are generally thin. In arid climates, total rainfall, erosion and recharge may be dominated by infrequent storm events.


気候変動に伴う水文学/水文地質学的な変化 (Hydrological/hydrogeological response to climate changes 1.3.07)




FEPs related to changes in hydrology and hydrogeology, e.g. recharge, sediment load and seasonality, in response to climate change in a region.
The hydrology and hydrogeology of a region is closely coupled to climate. Climate controls the amount of precipitation and evaporation, seasonal ice cover, and thus the soil water balance, extent of soil saturation, surface runoff and groundwater recharge. Vegetation and human actions may modify these responses.


気候変動に伴う生態学的な変化 (Ecological response to climate changes 1.3.08)




FEPs related to changes in ecology, e.g. vegetation, plant and animal populations, in response to climate change in a region.
The ecology of an environment is linked to climate. Ecological adaptation has allowed flora and fauna to survive and exploit even the most hostile of environments. For example, cacti have evolved to survive extreme heat and desiccation of the desert environment, and certain plant species complete their entire lifecycle over very short time periods following rare rain events in the desert. Some tree and plant species have evolved to survive natural events such as forest fires, and may require them to complete their lifecycle.


気候変動に伴う人間の対応 (Human response to climate changes 1.3.09)




FEPs related to changes in human behaviour, e.g. habits, diet, size of communities, in response to climate change in a region.
Human response is closely linked to climate. Climate affects the abundance and availability of natural resources such as water, as well as the types of crops that can be grown. The more extreme a climate, the greater the extent of human control over these resources is necessary to maintain agricultural productivity, e.g. through the use of dams, irrigation systems, controlled agricultural environments (greenhouses).


将来の人間の行為(能動的) (FUTURE HUMAN ACTIONS (ACTIVE) 1.4)





Human actions and regional practices, in the post-closure period, that can potentially affect the performance of the engineered and/or geological barriers, e.g. intrusive actions, but not the passive behaviour and habits of the local population, c.f. 2.4.
“Human Actions (Active)” is a sub-category in the International FEP List and is divided into individual FEPs.


気候への人間活動の影響 (Human influences on climate 1.4.01)




FEPs related to human activities that could affect the change of climate either globally or in a region.
For example, man-made emissions of “greenhouse” gases such as CO2 and CH4 have been implicated as a factor in global warming. Regionally, climate can be modified by de-forestation.


動機と処分場の認識に関する事項(意図しない/故意の人間の行為) (Motivation and knowledge issues (inadvertent/deliberate human actions) 1.4.02)



  • 処分場の認識又は意識なしにとられる偶発的な行為
  • 処分場の存在と位置を知りながらの行為である意図的行為,例えば,廃棄体を回収するための意図的試み,悪意がある侵入及び破壊活動である.



FEPs related to the degree of knowledge of the existence, location and/or nature of the repository. Also, reasons for deliberate interference with, or intrusion into, a repository after closure with complete or incomplete knowledge.
Some future human actions, e.g. see FEPs 1.4.04, 1.4.05, could directly impact upon the repository performance. Many assessments distinguish between:

  • inadvertent actions, which are actions taken without knowledge or awareness of the repository, and
  • deliberate actions, which are actions that are taken with knowledge of the repository’s existence and location, e.g. deliberate attempts to retrieve the waste, malicious intrusion and sabotage. Intermediate cases, of intrusion with incomplete knowledge, could also occur.


侵入行為のないサイト調査 (Un-intrusive site investigation 1.4.03)




FEPs related to airborne, geophysical or other surface-based investigation of a repository site after repository closure.
Such investigation, e.g. prospecting for geological resources, might occur after information of the location of a repository had been lost. The evidence of the repository itself, e.g. discovery of an old shaft, might itself prompt investigation, including research of historical archives.


掘削活動(人間侵入) (Drilling activities (human intrusion) 1.4.04)



  • 天然資源のための調査及び(又は)開発ボーリング;
  • 用水用ボーリング;
  • 調査又はサイト特性研究のためのボーリング;
  • 廃棄体注入のためのボーリング;
  • 熱水資源のためのボーリング


FEPs related to any type of drilling activity in the vicinity of the repository. These may be taken with or without knowledge of the repository (see FEP 1.4.02).
Drilling activities include:

  • exploratory and/or exploitation drilling for natural resources;
  • water well drilling;
  • drilling for research or site characterisation studies;
  • drilling for waste injection;
  • drilling for hydrothermal resources.


採鉱その他の地下での活動(人間侵入) (Mining and other underground activities (human intrusion) 1.4.05)



  • 資源探鉱
  • 工業のための掘削
  • 貯蔵又は処分のための掘削
  • 軍事目的の探鉱
  • 地熱エネルギーの生産
  • 液状廃棄物及び他の流体の注入
  • 科学的又は考古学上の調査
  • 立坑建設,地下建設及びトンネル建設
  • 地下核実験
  • 悪意のある侵入,破壊活動又は戦争
  • 処分場材料の回収


FEPs related to any type of mining or excavation activity carried out in the vicinity of the repository. These may be taken with or without knowledge of the repository (see FEP 1.4.02).
Mining and other excavation activities include:

  • resource mining;
  • excavation for industry;
  • excavation for storage or disposal;
  • excavation for military purposes;
  • geothermal energy production;
  • injection of liquid wastes and other fluids;
  • scientific or archaeological investigation;
  • shaft construction, underground construction and tunnelling;
  • underground nuclear testing;
  • malicious intrusion, sabotage or war;
  • recovery of repository materials.


地表環境,人間の活動 (Surface environment, human activities 1.4.06)



  • 採石,トレンチ掘削
  • 建設のための掘削
  • 住居,工業,輸送及び道路の建設
  • 地表環境及び地下水の汚染



FEPs related to any type of human activities that may be carried out in the surface environment that can potentially affect the performance of the engineered and/or geological barriers, or the exposure pathways, excepting those FEPs related to water management which are at FEP 1.4.07.
Examples include:

  • quarrying, trenching;
  • excavation for construction;
  • residential, industrial, transport and road construction;
  • pollution of surface environment and groundwater.
Quarrying, excavation and shallow site investigation may lead to direct human intrusion in the case of a near-surface repository.


水資源の取扱い(井戸,貯水池,ダム) (Water management (wells, reservoirs, dams) 1.4.07)




FEPs related to groundwater and surface water management including water extraction, reservoirs, dams, and river management.
Water is a valuable resource and water extraction and management schemes provide increased control over its distribution and availability through construction of dams, barrages, canals, pumping stations and pipelines.
Groundwater and surface water may be extracted for human domestic use (e.g. drinking water, washing), agricultural uses (e.g. irrigation, animal consumption) and industrial uses. Extraction and management of water may affect the movement of radionuclides to and in the surface environment.


社会的・制度的な進展 (Social and institutional developments 1.4.08)



  • 計画された管理及び環境法令の変化
  • 人口統計学的変化及び市街地開発
  • 土地使用の変化
  • 公文書/記録の喪失,社会的記憶の喪失/衰退


FEPs related to changes in social patterns and degree of local government, planning and regulation.
Potentially significant social and institutional developments include:

  • changes in planning controls and environmental legislation;
  • demographic change and urban development;
  • changes in land use;
  • loss of archives/records, loss/degradation of societal memory.


技術的な進展 (Technological developments 1.4.09)




FEPs related to future developments in human technology and changes in the capacity and motivation to implement technologies. This may include retrograde developments, e.g. loss of capacity to implement a technology.
Of interest are those technologies that might change the capacity of man to intrude deliberately or otherwise into a repository, to cause changes that would affect the movement of contaminants, to affect the exposure or its health implications. Technological developments are likely but may not be predictable especially at longer times into the future. In most assessments assumptions are made to limit the scope of consideration.


環境修復行為 (Remedial actions 1.4.10)



FEPs related to actions that might be taken following repository closure to remedy problems with a waste repository that, either, was not performing to the standards required, had been disrupted by some natural event or process, or had been inadvertently or deliberately damaged by human actions.


爆発と衝突 (Explosions and crashes 1.4.11)



FEPs related to deliberate or accidental explosions and crashes such as might have some impact on a closed repository, e.g. underground nuclear testing, aircraft crash on the site, acts of war.


1.5 その他 (OTHER 1.5)




A “Catch-all” for any external factor not accommodated in 1.1 to 1.4, e.g. meteorite impact.
“Other” is a sub-category in the International FEP List and is divided into individual FEPs.


隕石による衝撃 (Meteorite impact 1.5.01)



The possibility of a large meteorite impact occurring at or close to the repository site and related consequences.
The probability of impact of a meteorite sufficiently large and close to a repository to cause damage to the repository can be estimated based on the estimated frequency of large meteorite impacts in the past, and taking account of the repository depth.


種の進化 (Species evolution 1.5.02)




FEPs related to the biological evolution of humans, other animal or plant species, by both natural selection and selective breeding/culturing.
Animal (including man) and plant species have evolved with time. Over the timescales considered in some repository safety assessments natural evolution of plants and animal species is possible. Forced evolution of plant and animal species by selective breeding, especially species used for human foods, has occurred over very recent timescales and presumably will continue. In safety assessments, assumptions are usually made to avoid consideration of new species whose characteristics would be speculative.


雑件及び関連が不確実なFEP (Miscellaneous and FEPs of uncertain relevance 1.5.03)




FEPs that cannot be mapped anywhere else on the International FEP List also FEPs which have been identified, but no connection made to possible effects on repository performance.
There are a number of phenomena that have been suggested (i.e. added to FEP lists) during project scenario and FEP identification studies, for which no mechanism leading to any significant effect has been identified, e.g. changes in the Earth’ s magnetic field. For completeness, such phenomena of uncertain relevance or effect are retained by mapping to this FEP in the International List.






Features and processes occurring within that spatial and temporal (postclosure) domain whose principal effect is to determine the evolution of the physical, chemical, biological and human conditions of the domain that are relevant to estimating the release and migration of radionuclides and consequent exposure to man.
“Disposal System Domain: Environmental Factors” is a category in the International FEP List and is divided into sub-categories.







Features and processes within the waste and engineered components of the disposal system.
“Wastes and Engineered Features” is a sub-category in the International FEP List and is divided into individual FEPs.


インベントリ,核種と他の材料 (Inventory, radionuclide and other material 2.1.01)




FEPs related to the total content of the repository of a given type of material, substance, element, individual radionuclides, total radioactivity or inventory of toxic substances.
The FEP often refers to content of radionuclides but the content of other materials, e.g. steels, other metals, concrete or organic materials, could be of interest.


廃棄体の材料とその特性 (Waste form materials and characteristics 2.1.02)


廃棄体の形状は例えば固形化やグラウト材の混入のように,常に処分の前に調整される.廃棄体の特性は処分環境の物理的,化学的状態に影響を受ける多くのプロセスによって 変化する.廃棄体の劣化プロセスに特に関連するプロセスは,ニアフィールドの一般的な変化と比較して,このFEPに含まれる.


FEPs related to the physical, chemical, biological characteristics of the waste form at the time of disposal and also as they may evolve in the repository, including FEPs which are relevant specifically as waste degradation processes.
The waste form will usually be conditioned prior to disposal, e.g. by solidification and inclusion of grout materials. The waste characteristics will evolve due to various processes that will be affected by the physical and chemical conditions of the repository environment. Processes that are relevant specifically as waste degradation processes, as compared to general evolution of the near field, are included in this FEP.


容器の材料とその特性 (Container materials and characteristics 2.1.03)




FEPs related to the physical, chemical, biological characteristics of the container at the time of disposal and also as they may evolve in the repository, including FEPs which are relevant specifically as container degradation/failure processes.
The container characteristics will evolve due to various processes that will be affected by the physical and chemical conditions of the repository environment. Processes which are relevant specifically as container degradation/failure processes, as compared to general evolution of the near field, are included in this FEP.


緩衝材/埋戻し材とその特性 (Buffer/backfill materials and characteristics 2.1.04)





FEPs related to the physical, chemical, biological characteristics of the buffer and/or backfill at the time of disposal and also as they may evolve in the repository, including FEPs which are relevant specifically as buffer/backfill degradation processes.
Buffer and backfill are sometimes used synonymously. In some HLW/spent fuel concepts, the term buffer is used to mean material immediately surrounding a waste container and having some chemical and/or mechanical buffering role whereas backfill is used to mean material used to fill other underground openings.
However, in ILW/LLW concepts the term backfill is used to describe the material placed between waste containers which may have a chemical role. Buffer/backfill materials may include clays, cement and mixtures of cement with aggregates, e.g. of crushed rock.
The buffer/backfill characteristics will evolve due to various processes that will be affected by the physical and chemical conditions of the repository environment. Processes which are relevant specifically as buffer/backfill degradation processes, as compared to general evolution of the near field, are included in this FEP.


サイロ、坑道、立坑のシール (Seals, cavern/tunnel/shaft 2.1.05)




FEPs related to the design, physical, chemical, hydraulic etc. characteristics of the cavern/tunnel/shaft seals at the time of sealing and also as they may evolve in the repository, including FEPs which are relevant specifically as cavern/tunnel/shaft seal degradation processes.
Cavern/tunnel/shaft seal failure may result from gradual degradation processes, or may be the result of a sudden event. The importance is that alternative routes for groundwater flow and radionuclide transport may be created along the tunnels and/or shafts and associated EDZ (see FEP 2.2.01).


他の人工バリアの材料と特性 (Other engineered features materials and characteristics 2.1.06)



FEPs related to the physical, chemical, biological characteristics of the engineered features (other than containers, buffer/backfill, and seals) at the time of disposal and also as they may evolve in the repository, including FEPs which are relevant specifically as degradation processes acting on the engineered features.
Examples of other engineered features are rock bolts, shotcrete, tunnel liners, silo walls, any services and equipment not removed before closure. The engineered features, materials and characteristics will evolve due to various processes that will be affected by the physical and chemical conditions of the repository environment. Processes which are relevant specifically as degradation processes acting on the features, as compared to general evolution of the near field, are be included in this FEP.


力学的プロセスとその状態(廃棄体と工学バリアシステム内) (Mechanical processes and conditions (in wastes and EBS) 2.1.07)




  • 容器の破壊
  • 緩衝材の膨潤圧
  • 材質の体積変化
  • 坑道の天井,ライナーの崩壊


FEPs related to the mechanical processes that affect the wastes, containers, seals and other engineered features, and the overall mechanical evolution of near field with time. This includes the effects of hydraulic and mechanical loads imposed on wastes, containers and repository components by the surrounding geology.
Examples of relevant processes are:

  • container collapse,
  • buffer swelling pressure,
  • material volume changes,
  • tunnel roof or lining collapse.


水理学/水文地質学的プロセスとその状態(廃棄体と工学バリアシステム内) (Hydraulic/hydrogeological processes and conditions (in wastes and EBS) 2.1.08)



  • 処分場環境での流体の流入や移動
  • 処分場およびその構成物への水の再飽和化と不飽和化
  • 処分場内の水の流動と汚染物質の移動


FEPs related to the hydraulic/hydrogeological processes that affect the wastes, containers, seals and other engineered features, and the overall hydraulic/hydrogeological evolution of near field with time. This includes the effects of hydraulic/hydrogeological influences on wastes, containers and repository components by the surrounding geology.
Examples of relevant processes are:

  • infiltration and movement of fluids in the repository environment;
  • resaturation/desaturation of the repository or its components;
  • water flow and contaminant transport paths within the repository.


化学/地球化学的プロセスとその状態(廃棄体と工学バリアシステム内) (Chemical/geochemical processes and conditions (in wastes and EBS) 2.1.09)



  • 一般的腐食プロセス
  • 化学的状態および緩衝プロセス
  • 電気化学的プロセス
  • 沈殿/溶解反応
  • 酸化還元電位(Eh)と酸性度/アルカリ度(pH)の変化


FEPs related to the chemical/geochemical processes that affect the wastes, containers, seals and other engineered features, and the overall chemical/geochemical evolution of near field with time. This includes the effects of chemical/geochemical influences on wastes, containers and repository components by the surrounding geology.
Examples of relevant processes are:

  • general corrosion processes;
  • chemical conditioning and buffering processes;
  • electrochemical processes;
  • precipitation/dissolution reactions.
  • evolution of redox (Eh) and acidity/alkalinity (pH) etc.


生物学/生化学的プロセスとその状態(廃棄体と工学バリアシステム内) (Biological/biochemical processes and conditions (in wastes and EBS) 2.1.10)



  • 微生物の成長と毒性
  • 微生物/生物が媒介するプロセス
  • EhやpHの変化に対する微生物/生物効果


FEPs related to the biological/biochemical processes that affect the wastes, containers, seals and other engineered features, and the overall biological/biochemical evolution of near field with time. This includes the effects of biological/biochemical influences on wastes, containers and repository components by the surrounding geology.
Examples of relevant processes are:
  • microbial growth and poisoning;
  • microbially/biologically mediated processes;
  • microbial/biological effects of evolution of redox (Eh) and acidity/alkalinity (pH), etc.


熱的プロセスとその状態(廃棄体と工学バリアシステム内) (Thermal processes and conditions (in wastes and EBS) 2.1.11)



  • 廃棄体からの放射能,化学反応,生物反応による熱の発生
  • 人工バリアからの化学的熱の発生
  • 温度の変化
  • 物理/化学/生物/水理学的プロセスの温度依存性,例えば腐食や水の再飽和


FEPs related to the thermal processes that affect the wastes, containers, seals and other engineered features, and the overall thermal evolution of the near field with time. This includes the effects of heat on wastes, containers and repository components from the surrounding geology.
Examples of relevant processes are:
  • radiogenic, chemical and biological heat production from the wastes;
  • chemical heat production from engineered features, e.g. concrete hydration;
  • temperature evolution;
  • temperature dependence of physical/chemical/biological/hydraulic processes, e.g. corrosion and resaturation.


ガス源とその影響(廃棄体と工学バリアシステム内) (Gas sources and effects (in wastes and EBS) 2.1.12)




FEPs within and around the wastes, containers and engineered features resulting in the generation of gases and their subsequent effects on the repository system.
Gas production may result from degradation and corrosion of various waste, container and engineered feature materials, as well as radiation effects. The effects of gas production may change local chemical and hydraulic conditions, and the mechanisms for radionuclide transport, i.e. gas-induced and gas-mediated transport.


放射線影響(廃棄体と工学バリアシステム内) (Radiation effects (in wastes and EBS) 2.1.13)




FEPs related to the effects that result from the radiation emitted from the wastes that affect the wastes, containers, seals and other engineered features, and the overall radiogenic evolution of the near field with time.
Examples of relevant effects are ionisation, radiolytic decomposition of water (radiolysis), radiation damage to waste matrix or container materials, helium gas production due to alpha decay.


臨界 (Nuclear criticality 2.1.14)


連鎖反応は,発生源Fission triggersからの個々の中性子が,平均して,少なくとも1つの他の核分裂から起こる自己持続性プロセスである.



FEPs related to the possibility and effects of spontaneous nuclear fission chain reactions within the repository.
A chain reaction is the self-sustaining process of nuclear fission in which each neutron released from a fission triggers, on average, at least one other nuclear fission. Nuclear criticality requires a sufficient concentration and localised mass (critical mass) of fissile isotopes (e.g. U-235, Pu-239) and also presence of neutron moderating materials in a suitable geometry; a chain reaction is liable to be damped by the presence of neutron absorbing isotopes (e.g. Pu-240).







The features and processes within this environment including, for example, the hydrogeological, geomechanical and geochemical features and processes, both in pre-emplacement state and as modified by the presence of the repository and other long-term changes.
“Geological Environment” is a sub-category in the International FEP List and is divided into individual FEPs.


掘削で影響を受けるゾーン,母岩 (Excavation disturbed zone, host rock 2.2.01)




FEPs related to the zone of rock around caverns, tunnels, shafts or other underground openings that may be mechanically disturbed during excavation, and the properties and characteristics as they may evolve both before and after repository closure.
The excavation damaged zone may have different properties to the undisturbed host rock, e.g. opening of fractures or change of hydraulic properties due to stress relief. This zone may become desaturated to some degree during the period in which the tunnels are open and also subject to chemical changes both in the “open” period and after closure.


母岩 (Host rock 2.2.02)




FEPs related to the properties and characteristics of the rock in which the repository is sited (excluding the rock that may be mechanically disturbed by the excavation) as they may evolve both before and after repository closure.
Relevant properties include thermal and hydraulic conductivity, compressive and shear strength, porosity etc.


その他の地質ユニット (Geological units, other 2.2.03)




FEPs related to the properties and characteristics of rocks other than the host rock as they may evolve both before and after repository closure.
Geological units are the separate rock structures and types that make up the region in which the repository is located. These units are identified in the geological investigations of the region. Each geological unit is characterised according to its geometry and its general physical properties and characteristics. A unit may be comprised of more than one rock formation, e.g. Quaternary sediments. Details concerning inhomogeneity and uncertainty associated with each unit are included in the characterisation.


大規模な不連続性(地圏内) (Discontinuities, large scale (in geosphere) 2.2.04)



FEPs related to the properties and characteristics of discontinuities in and between the host rock and geological units, including faults, shear zones, intrusive dykes and interfaces between different rock types.


汚染物質移行経路の特性(地圏内) (Contaminant transport path characteristics (in geosphere) 2.2.05)




FEPs related to the properties and characteristics of smaller discontinuities and features within the host rock and other geological units that are expected to be the main paths for contaminant transport through the geosphere, as they may evolve both before and after repository closure.
Groundwater flow and contaminant transport through rocks may occur in a variety of systems depending on the rock characteristics. Porous flow is predominantly through pores in the medium or through the interstitial spaces between small grains of materials. Fracture flow is predominantly along fractures in the rock which represent the only connected open spaces. Changes in the contaminant transport path characteristics due to the repository construction or its chemical influence etc. are included.


力学的プロセスとその状態(地圏内) (Mechanical processes and conditions (in geosphere) 2.2.06)



FEPs related to the mechanical processes that affect the host rock and other rock units, and the overall evolution of conditions with time. This includes the effects of changes in condition, e.g. rock stress, due to the excavation, construction and long-term presence of the repository.


水理学/水文地質学的プロセスとその状態(地圏内) (Hydraulic/hydrogeological processes and conditions (in geosphere) 2.2.07)




FEPs related to the hydraulic and hydrogeological processes that affect the host rock and other rock units, and the overall evolution of conditions with time. This includes the effects of changes in condition, e.g. hydraulic head, due to the excavation, construction and long-term presence of the repository.
The hydrogeological regime is the characterisation of the composition and movement of water through the relevant geological formations in the repository region and the factors that control this. This requires knowledge of the recharge and discharge zones, the groundwater flow systems, saturation, and other factors that may drive the hydrogeology, such as density effects due to salinity gradients or temperature gradients.
Changes of the hydrogeological regime due to the construction and/or presence of the repository are included.


化学/地球化学的プロセスとその状態(地圏内) (Chemical/geochemical processes and conditions (in geosphere) 2.2.08)




FEPs related to the chemical and geochemical processes that affect the host rock and other rock units, and the overall evolution of conditions with time. This includes the effects of changes in condition, e.g. Eh, pH, due to the excavation, construction and long-term presence of the repository.
The hydrochemical regime refers to the groundwater chemistry in the geological formations in the repository region, and the factors that control this. This requires knowledge of the groundwater chemistry including speciation, solubility, complexants, redox (reduction/oxidation) conditions, rock mineral composition and weathering processes, salinity and chemical gradients. Changes of the hydrochemical regime due to the construction and/or presence of the repository are included.


生物学/生物化学的プロセスとその状態(地圏内) (Biological/biochemical processes and conditions (in geosphere) 2.2.09)



FEPs related to the biological and biochemical processes that affect the host rock and other rock units, and the overall evolution of conditions with time. This includes the effects of changes in condition, e.g. microbe populations, due to the excavation, construction and long-term presence of the repository.


熱的プロセスとその状態(地圏内) (Thermal processes and conditions (in geosphere) 2.2.10)




FEPs related to the thermal processes that affect the host rock and other rock units, and the overall evolution of conditions with time. This includes the effects of changes in condition, e.g. temperature, due to the excavation, construction and long-term presence of the repository.

Geothermal regime refers to sources of geological heat, the distribution of heat by conduction and transport(convection) in fluids, and the resulting thermal field or gradient. Changes of the geothermal regime due to the construction and/or presence of the repository are included.


ガスの起源とその影響(地圏内) (Gas sources and effects (in geosphere) 2.2.11)




FEPs related to natural gas sources and production of gas within the geosphere and also the effect of natural and repository produced gas on the geosphere, including the transport of bulk gases and the overall evolution of conditions with time.
Gas movement in the geosphere will be determined by many factors including the rate of production, gas permeability and solubility, and the hydrostatic pressure regime.


検出されない特性(地圏内) (Undetected features (in geosphere) 2.2.12)




FEPs related to natural or man-made features within the geology that may not be detected during the site investigation.

Examples of possible undetected features are fracture zones, brine pockets or old mine workings. Some physical features of the repository environment may remain undetected during site surveys and even during pilot tunnel excavations. The nature of the geological environment will indicate the likelihood that certain types of undetected features may be present and the site investigation may be able to place bounds on the maximum size or minimum proximity to such features.


地質資源 (Geological resources 2.2.13)




FEPs related to natural resources within the geosphere, particularly those that might encourage investigation or excavation at or near the repository site.

Geological resources could include oil and gas, solid minerals, water, and geothermal resources. For a near-surface repository, quarrying of near-surface deposits, e.g. sand, gravel or clay, may be of interest.







The features and processes within the surface environment, including near-surface aquifers and unconsolidated sediments but excluding human activities and behaviour, see 1.4 and 2.4.

“Surface Environment” is a sub-category in the International FEP List and is divided into individual FEPs.


地形と形態 (Topography and morphology 2.3.01)



FEPs related to the relief and shape of the surface environment and its evolution.

This FEP refers to local land form and land form changes with implications for the surface environment, e.g. plains, hills, valleys, and effects of river and glacial erosion thereon. In the long term, such changes may occur as a response to geological changes, see 1.3.


土壌と堆積土砂 (Soil and sediment 2.3.02)




FEPs related to the characteristics of the soils and sediments and their evolution.

Different soil and sediment types, e.g. characterised by particle-size distribution and organic content, will have different properties with respect erosion/deposition and contaminant sorption etc.


帯水層と含水特性,地表近傍 (Aquifers and water-bearing features, near surface 2.3.03)




FEPs related to the characteristics of aquifers and water-bearing features within a few metres of the land surface and their evolution.

Aquifers are water-bearing features geological units or near-surface deposits that yield significant amounts of water to wells or springs. The presence of aquifers and other water-bearing features will be determined by the geological, hydrological and climatic factors.


湖,川,小川と泉 (Lakes, rivers, streams and springs 2.3.04)



FEPs related to the characteristics of terrestrial surface water bodies and their evolution.

Streams, rivers and lakes often act as boundaries on the hydrogeological system. They usually represent a significant source of dilution for materials (including) radionuclides entering these systems, but in hot dry environments, where evaporation dominates, concentration is possible.


海岸の特性 (Coastal features 2.3.05)




FEPs related to the characteristics of coasts and the near shore, and their evolution. Coastal features include headlands, bays, beaches, spits, cliffs and estuaries.

The processes operating on these features, e.g. active erosion, deposition, longshore transport, determine the development of the system and may represent a significant mechanism for dilution or accumulation of materials (including radionuclides) entering the system.


海洋の特性 (Marine features 2.3.06)




FEPs related to the characteristics of seas and oceans, including the sea bed, and their evolution. Marine features include oceans, ocean trenches, shallow seas, and inland seas.

Processes operating on these features such as erosion, deposition, thermal stratification and salinity gradients, determine the development of the system and may represent a significant mechanism for dilution or accumulation of materials (including radionuclides) entering the system.


大気 (Atmosphere 2.3.07)




FEPs related to the characteristics of the atmosphere, including capacity for transport, and their evolution.

Relevant processes include physical transport of gases, aerosols and dust in the atmosphere and chemical and photochemical reactions.


植生 (Vegetation 2.3.08)


FEPs related to the characteristics of terrestrial and aquatic vegetation both as individual plants and in mass, and their evolution.


動物の生息 (Animal populations 2.3.09)


FEPs related to the characteristics of the terrestrial and aquatic animals both as individual animals and as populations, and their evolution.


気象学 (Meteorology 2.3.10)




FEPs related to the characteristics of weather and climate, and their evolution.

Meteorology is characterised by precipitation, temperature, pressure and wind speed and direction. The variability in meteorology should be included so that extremes such as drought, flooding, storms and snow melt are identified.


水文学的体系と水収支(地表近傍) (Hydrological regime and water balance (near-surface) 2.3.11)




FEPs related to near-surface hydrology at a catchment scale and also soil water balance, and their evolution.

The hydrological regime is a description of the movement of water through the surface and near-surface environment. It includes the movement of materials associated with the water such as sediments and particulates. Extremes such as drought, flooding, storms and snow melt may be relevant.


侵食と堆積 (Erosion and deposition 2.3.12)




FEPs related to all the erosional and depositional processes that operate in the surface environment, and their evolution.

Relevant processes may include, fluvial and glacial erosion and deposition, denudation, eolian erosion and deposition. These processes will be controlled by factors such as the climate, vegetation, topography and geomorphology.


生態学/生物学/微生物学的システム (Ecological/biological/microbial systems 2.3.13)




FEPs related to living organisms and relations between populations of animals, plants and their evolution.

Characteristics of the ecological system include the vegetation regime, and natural cycles such as forest fires or flash floods that influence the development of the ecology. The plant and animal populations occupying the surface environment are an intrinsic component of its ecology. Their behaviour and population dynamics are regulated by the wide range of processes that define the ecological system. Human activities have significantly altered the natural ecology of most environments.


人間のふるまい (HUMAN BEHAVIOUR 2.4)





The habits and characteristics of the individuals or populations, e.g. critical groups, to whom exposures are calculated, not including intrusive or other activities which will have an impact on the performance of the engineered or geological barriers, see 1.4.

“Human Behaviour (passive)” is a sub-category in the International FEP List and is divided into individual FEPs.


人間の特性(生理学,代謝) (Human characteristics (physiology, metabolism) 2.4.01)




FEPs related to characteristics, e.g. physiology, metabolism, of individual humans.

Physiology refers to body and organ form and function. Metabolism refers to the chemical and biochemical reactions which occur within an organism, or part of an organism, in connection with the production and use of energy.


成人,子,幼児など (Adults, children, infants and other variations 2.4.02)




FEPs related to considerations of variability, in individual humans, of physiology, metabolism and habits.

Children and infants, although similar to adults, often have characteristic differences, e.g. metabolism, respiratory rates, habits (e.g. pica, ingestion of soil) which may lead to different exposure characteristics.


食物と水分の摂取 (Diet and fluid intake 2.4.03)




FEPs related to intake of food and water by individual humans and the compositions and origin of intake.

The human diet refers to the range of food products consumed by humans.


習慣(食習慣以外) (Habits (non-diet-related behaviour) 2.4.04)




FEPs related to non-diet related behaviour of individual humans, including time spent in various environments, pursuit of activities and uses of materials.

The human habits refers to the time spent in different environments in pursuit of different activities and other uses of materials. The diet and habits will be influenced by agricultural practices and human factors such as culture, religion, economics and technology. Smoking, ploughing, fishing, and swimming are examples of behaviour that might give rise to particular modes of exposure to environmental contaminants.


地域社会の特性 (Community characteristics 2.4.05)




FEPs related to characteristics, behaviour and lifestyle of groups of humans that might be considered as target groups in an assessment.

Relevant characteristics might be the size of a group and degree of self-sufficiency in food stuffs/diet. For example, hunter/gathering describes a subsistence lifestyle employed by nomadic or semi-nomadic groups who roam relatively large areas of land hunting wild game and/or fish, and gathering native fruits, berries, roots and nuts, to obtain their dietary requirements.


食物や水の処理と加工 (Food and water processing and preparation 2.4.06)




FEPs related to treatment of food stuffs and water between raw origin and consumption.

Once a crop is harvested or an animal slaughtered it may be subject to a variety of storage, processing and preparational activities prior to human or livestock consumption. These may change the radionuclide distribution and/or content of the product. For example, radioactive decay during storage, chemical processing, washing losses and cooking losses during food preparation. Water sources may be treated prior to human or livestock consumption, e.g. chemical treatment and/or filtration.


住居 (Dwellings 2.4.07)




FEPs related to houses or other structures or shelter in which humans spend time.

Dwellings are the structures which humans live in. The materials used in their construction and their location may be significant factors for determining potential radionuclide exposure pathways.


野生の土地と天然水の利用 (Wild and natural land and water use 2.4.08)


FEPs related to use of natural or semi-natural tracts of land and water such as forest, bush and lakes.
Special foodstuffs and resources may be gathered from natural land and water which may lead to significant modes of exposure.


田園と農地と水の利用(漁業を含む) (Rural and agricultural land and water use (incl. fisheries) 2.4.09)




FEPs related to use of permanently or sporadically agriculturally managed land and managed fisheries.

An important set of processes are those related to agricultural practices, their effects on land form, hydrology and natural ecology, and also their impact in determining uptake through food chains and other exposure paths.


都市と工業用地と水の利用 (Urban and industrial land and water use 2.4.10)




FEPs related to urban and industrial developments, including transport, and their effects on hydrology and potential contaminant pathways.

Human populations are concentrated in urban areas in modern societies. Significant areas of land may be devoted to industrial activities. Water resources may be diverted over considerable distances to serve urban and/or industrial requirements.


レジャーなどのための環境利用 (Leisure and other uses of environment 2.4.11)




FEPs related to leisure activities, the effects on the surface environment and implications for contaminant exposure pathways.

Significant areas of land, water, and coastal areas may be devoted to leisure activities. e.g. water bodies for recreational uses, mountains/wilderness areas for hiking and camping activities.







FEPs that take place in the disposal system domain that directly affect the release and migration of radionuclides and other contaminants, or directly affect the dose to members of a critical group from given concentrations of radiotoxic and chemotoxic species in environmental media.

“Disposal System Domain: Radionuclide Factors” is a category in the International FEP List and is divided into sub-categories.







The characteristics of the radiotoxic and chemotoxic species that might be considered in a postclosure safety assessment.

“Contaminant Characteristics” is a sub-category in the International FEP List and is divided into individual FEPs.


放射性核種の崩壊と連鎖生成 (Radioactive decay and in-growth 3.1.01)




Radioactivity is the spontaneous disintegration of an unstable atomic nucleus resulting in the emission of sub-atomic particles. Radioactive isotopes are known as radionuclides. Where a parent radionuclide decays to a daughter nuclide so that the population of the daughter nuclide increases this is known as in-growth.

In post-closure assessment models, radioactive decay chains are often simplified, e.g. by neglecting the shorter-lived nuclides in transport calculations, or adding dose contributions from shorter-lived nuclides to dose factors for the longer-lived parent in dose calculations.


化学/有機毒性の安定性 (Chemical/organic toxin stability 3.1.02)



FEPs related to chemical stability of chemotoxic species.


無機固相/溶質 (Inorganic solids/solutes 3.1.03)

FEPs related to the characteristics of inorganic solids/solutes that may be considered.


揮発性物質と揮発の可能性 (Volatiles and potential for volatility 3.1.04)




FEPs related to the characteristics of radiotoxic and chemotoxic species that are volatile or have the potential for volatility in repository or environmental conditions.

Some radionuclides may be isotopes of gaseous elements (e.g. Kr isotopes) or may form volatile compounds.
Gaseous radionuclides or species may arise from chemical or biochemical reactions, e.g. metal corrosion to yield hydrogen gas and microbial degradation of organic material to yield methane and carbon dioxide.


有機物と有機形態をとる可能性 (Organics and potential for organic forms 3.1.05)



FEPs related to the characteristics of radiotoxic and chemotoxic species that are organic or have the potential to form organics in repository or environmental conditions.


希ガス (Noble gases 3.1.06)




FEPs related to the characteristics of noble gases. Radon and thoron are special cases, see FEP 3.3.08.







The processes that directly affect the release and/or migration of radionuclides in the disposal system domain.
“Release/Migration Factors” is a sub-category in the International FEP List and is divided into individual FEPs.


溶解,沈殿と結晶化,汚染物質 (Dissolution, precipitation and crystallisation, contaminant 3.2.01)




FEPs related to the dissolution, precipitation and crystallisation of radiotoxic and chemotoxic species under repository or environmental conditions.
Dissolution is the process by which constituents of a solid dissolve into solution. Precipitation and crystallisation are processes by which solids are formed out of liquids. Precipitation occurs when chemical species in solution react to produce a solid that does not remain in solution. Crystallisation is the process of producing pure crystals of an element, molecule or mineral from a fluid or solution undergoing a cooling process.


化学種と溶解度,汚染物質 (Speciation and solubility, contaminant 3.2.02)





FEPs related to the chemical speciation and solubility of radiotoxic and chemotoxic species in repository or environmental conditions.
The solubility of a substance in aqueous solution is an expression of the degree to which it dissolves. Factors such as temperature and pressure affect solubility, as do the pH and redox conditions. These factors affect the chemical form and speciation of the substance. Thus different species of the same element may have different solubilities in a particular solution. Porewater and groundwater speciation and solubility are very important factors affecting the behaviour and transport of radionuclides.


収着/脱着プロセス,汚染物質 (Sorption/desorption processes, contaminant 3.2.03)




FEPs related to sorption/desorption of radiotoxic and chemotoxic species in repository or environmental conditions.

Sorption describes the physico-chemical interaction of dissolved species with a solid phase. Desorption is the opposite effect. Sorption processes are very important for determining the transport of radionuclides in groundwater. Sorption is often described by a simple partition constant (Kd) which is the ratio of solid phase radionuclide concentration to that in solution. This assumes that sorption is reversible, reaches equilibrium rapidly, is independent of variations in water chemistry or mineralogy along the flow path, the solid-water ratio, or concentrations of other species. More sophisticated approaches involve the use of sorption isotherms.


コロイドと汚染物質の相互作用と移行 (Colloids, contaminant interactions and transport with 3.2.04)




FEPs related to the transport of colloids and interaction of radiotoxic and chemotoxic species with colloids in repository or environmental conditions.
Colloids are particles in the nanometre to micrometre size range which can form stable suspensions in a liquid phase. Metastable solid phases are unstable thermodynamically but exist due to the very slow kinetics of their alteration into more stable products. Colloids are present in groundwaters and may also be produced during degradation of the wastes or engineered barrier materials. Colloids may influence radionuclide transport in a variety of ways: retarding transport by sorption of aqueous radionuclide species and subsequent filtration; or, enhancing transport by sorption and transport with flowing groundwater.


化学薬剤/錯化剤による汚染物質の化学種/移行への影響 (Chemical/complexing agents, effects on contaminant speciation/transport 3.2.05)




FEPs related to the modification of speciation or transport of radiotoxic and chemotoxic species in repository or environmental conditions due to association with chemical and complexing agents.
This FEP refers to any chemical agents that are present in the repository system and the effects that they may have on the release and migration of radionuclides from the repository environment. Chemical agents may be present in the wastes or in repository materials or introduced, e.g. from spillage during repository construction and operation, e.g. oil, hydraulic fluids, organic solvents. Chemical agents may be used during construction and operation, e.g. in drilling fluids, as additives to cements and grouts etc.


微生物学的/生物学的/植物が媒介するプロセス,汚染物質 (Microbial/biological/plant-mediated processes, contaminant 3.2.06)




FEPs related to the modification of speciation or phase change due to microbial/biological/plant activity.

Microbial activity may facilitate chemical transformations of various kinds.


水を媒介する汚染物質の移行 (Water-mediated transport of contaminants 3.2.07)



  • 移流,すなわち,流体の全体的な動きによる移動
  • 分子拡散,すなわち,流体中での個々の原子や分子のランダムな動き
  • 分散,すなわち,差動的な移流により時間とともに散らばること
  • マトリックス拡散,すなわち,流れの無い間隙等への溶質・コロイドなどの拡散や小さい移流
  • 浸透,すなわち,重力の下での流体の移動
  • 多相流過程


FEPs related to transport of radiotoxic and chemotoxic species in groundwater and surface water in aqueous phase and as sediments in surface water bodies.
Water-mediated transport of radionuclides includes all processes leading to transport of radionuclides in

water. Radionuclides may travel in water as aqueous solutes (including dissolved gases), associated with colloids (see FEP 3.2.04) or, if flow conditions permit, with larger particulates/sediments. Relevant processes include:

  • advection, i.e. movement with the bulk movement of the fluid;
  • molecular diffusion, i.e. random movement of individual atoms or molecules within the fluid;
  • dispersion, i.e. the spread of spatial distribution with time due to differential advection;
  • matrix diffusion, i.e. the diffusion or micro-advection of solute/colloids etc. into non-flowing pores;
  • percolation, i.e. movement of the fluid under gravity;
  • multiphase transport processes.


固相を媒介する汚染物質の移行 (Solid-mediated transport of contaminants 3.2.08)




FEPs related to transport of radiotoxic and chemotoxic species in solid phase, for example large-scale movements of sediments, landslide, solifluction and volcanic activity.
Relevant processes include transport by suspended sediments and erosion.


ガスを媒介する汚染物質の移行 (Gas-mediated transport of contaminants 3.2.09)




FEPs related to transport of radiotoxic and chemotoxic species in gas or vapour phase or as fine particulate or aerosol in gas or vapour.
Radioactive gases may be generated from the wastes, e.g. C-14-labelled carbon dioxide or methane.

Radioactive aerosols or particulates may be transported along with non-radioactive gases, or gases may expel contaminated groundwater ahead of them.


大気中での汚染物質の移行 (Atmospheric transport of contaminants 3.2.10)




FEPs related to transport of radiotoxic and chemotoxic species in the air as gas, vapour, fine particulate or aerosol.
Radionuclides may enter the atmosphere from the surface environment as a result of a variety of processes including transpiration, suspension of radioactive dusts and particulates or as aerosols. The atmospheric system may represent a significant source of dilution for these radionuclides. It may also provide exposure pathways e.g. inhalation, immersion.


動植物と微生物を媒介する汚染物質の移行 (Animal, plant and microbe mediated transport of contaminants 3.2.11)



FEPs related to transport of radiotoxic and chemotoxic species as a result of animal, plant and microbial activity.
Burrowing animals, deep rooting species and movement of contaminated microbes are included.

FEPs related to transport of radiotoxic and chemotoxic species as a result of animal, plant and microbial activity.
Burrowing animals, deep rooting species and movement of contaminated microbes are included.


人間の行為に起因する汚染物質の移行 (Human-action-mediated transport of contaminants 3.2.12)




FEPs related to transport of radiotoxic and chemotoxic species as a direct result of human actions.
Human-action-mediated transport of contaminants includes processes such as drilling into or excavation of the repository, the dredging of contaminated sediments from lakes, rivers and estuaries and placing them on land.
Earthworks and dam construction may result in the significant movement of solid material from one part of the biosphere to another. Ploughing results in the mixing of the top layer of agricultural soil, usually on an annual basis.


食物連鎖への汚染物質の取込み (Foodchains, uptake of contaminants in 3.2.13)




FEPs related to incorporation of radiotoxic and chemotoxic species into plant or animal species that are part of the possible eventual food chain to humans.
Plants may become contaminated either as a result of direct deposition of radionuclides onto their surfaces or indirectly as a result of uptake from contaminated soils or water via the roots. Animals may become contaminated with radionuclides as a result of ingesting contaminated plants, or directly as a result of ingesting contaminated soils, sediments and water sources, or via inhalation of contaminated particulates, aerosols or gases.


被ばくに関する要因 (EXPOSURE FACTORS 3.3)





Processes and conditions that directly affect the dose to members of the critical group, from given concentrations of radionuclides in environmental media.
“Exposure Factors” is a sub-category in the International FEP List and is divided into individual FEPs.


飲料水,食料品,薬品中の汚染物質の濃度 (Drinking water, foodstuffs and drugs, contaminant concentrations in 3.3.01)



FEPs related to the presence of radiotoxic and chemotoxic species in drinking water, foodstuffs or drugs that may be consumed by human.


環境中での汚染物質の濃度 (Environmental media, contaminant concentrations in 3.3.02)




FEPs related to the presence of radiotoxic and chemotoxic species in environmental media other than drinking water, foodstuffs or drugs.
The comparison of calculated contaminant concentrations in environmental media with naturally-occurring concentrations of similar species or species of similar toxic potential, may provide alternative or additional criteria for assessment less dependent on assumptions of human behaviour.


食料品以外の生産物中の汚染物質の濃度 (Non-food products, contaminant concentrations in 3.3.03)




FEPs related to the presence of radiotoxic and chemotoxic species in human manufactured materials or environmental materials that have special uses, e.g. clothing, building materials, peat.
Contaminants may be concentrated in non-food products to which humans are exposed. For example, building materials, natural fibres or animal skins used in clothing, and the use of peat for fuel.


被ばくの様式 (Exposure modes 3.3.04)



  • 汚染された水や食べ物の摂取(内部被ばく)
  • ガス状や粒子状の放射性物質の吸入(内部被ばく)
  • 地上やビルやその他のものに堆積又は存在する放射性物質からの直接的な放射線の照射による外部被ばく



FEPs related to the exposure of man (or other organisms) to radiotoxic and chemotoxic species.
The most important modes of exposure to radionuclides are generally:

  • ingestion (internal exposure) from drinking or eating contaminated water or foodstuffs;
  • inhalation (internal exposure) from inhaling gaseous or particulate radioactive materials;
  • external exposure as a result of direct irradiation from radionuclides deposited on, or present on, the ground, buildings or other objects.
Exposure can also come from immersion in contaminated water bodies, direct radiation from airborne plumes of radioactive materials, injection through wounds, and cutaneous absorption of some species.


線量と放射線の関係 (Dosimetry 3.3.05)



FEPs related to the dependence between radiation or chemotoxic effect and amount and distribution of radiation or chemical agent in organs of the body.
Dosimetry involves the estimation of radiation dose to individual organs, tissues, or the whole body, as a result of exposure to radionuclides. The radiation dose will depend on: the form of exposure, e.g. ingestion or inhalation of radionuclides leading to internal exposure or proximity to concentrations of radionuclides leading to external exposure; the metabolism of the radioelement and physico-chemical form if inhaled or ingested, which will determine the extent to which the radionuclide may be taken up and retained in body tissues; and the energy and type of radioactive emissions of the radionuclide which will affect the distribution of energy within tissues of the body.


放射線学的毒性/影響 (Radiological toxicity/effects 3.3.06)




FEPs related to the effect of radiation on man or other organisms.
Radiation effects are classified as somatic (occurring in the exposed individual), genetic (occurring in the offspring of the exposed individual), stochastic (the probability of the effect is a function of dose received), non-stochastic (the severity of the effect is a function of dose received and no effect may be observed below some threshold).


放射線以外の毒性/影響 (Non-radiological toxicity/effects 3.3.07)

FEPs related to the effects of chemotoxic species on man or other organisms.


ラドンとラドン娘核種による被ばく (Radon and radon daughter exposure 3.3.08)




FEPs related to exposure to radon and radon daughters.
Radon and radon daughter exposure is considered separately to exposure to other radionuclides because the behaviour of radon and its daughter, and the modes of exposure, are different to other radionuclides. Radon (Rn 222) is the immediate daughter of radium (Ra-226). It is a noble gas with a half-life of about 4 days and decays through a series of very short-lived radionuclides (radon daughters), with half-lives of 27 minutes or less, to a lead isotope (Pb-210) with a half-life of 21 years. The principal mode of exposure is through the inhalation of radon daughters attached to dust particles which may deposit in the respiratory system.
