
Advanced Technology Laboratory for Solid State Energy Conversion (ALSEC)

last updated 2018.6.1
Japanease version
Lab. Profile
Advanced Technology Laboratory for Solid State Energy Conversion(ALSEC)
Date of Establishment: 1st of June.
This Laboratory was established by the collaborations mainly between
Research Institute for Energy Conservation and
Inorganic Functional Materials Research Institute.
The main focus of the study is to develop the cutting edge technology on Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFCs) and Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cells (SOEC). Also, the activities cover all solid-state ionic conducting devices as well as the technological support of the Advanced Technology Consortium for Solid State Energy Conversion(ASEC).
 Address (Secretary of Advanced Technology Consortium for Solid State Energy Conversion)
AIST central 2, Umezono 1-1-1, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8568 JAPAN
Eメール:asec-sec-ml (at) aist.go.jp
  • Teruhisa HORITA (R.I. Energy Energy Conservation)(Chief)
  • Tohru KATO (R.I. Energy Energy Conservation)
  • Katsuhiko YAMAJI (R.I. Energy Energy Conservation)
  • Stoshi SOMEYA (R.I. Energy Energy Conservation)
  • Katherine BAGARINAO (R.I. Energy Energy Conservation)
  • Haruo KISHIMOTO (R.I. Energy Energy Conservation)
  • Yohei TANAKA (R.I. Energy Energy Conservation)
  • Soumei BABA (R.I. Energy Energy Conservation)
  • Tomohiro ISHIYAMA (R.I. Energy Energy Conservation)
  • kouji KURAMOTO (R.I. of Energy Frontier)
  • Yoshinobu FUJISHIRO (Deputy Director, Inorganic Functional Materials R.I.)
  • Katsuhiro NOMURA (Inorganic Functional Materials R.I.)
  • Toshiaki YAMAGUCHI (Inorganic Functional Materials R.I.)
  • Hiroshi SUMI (Inorganic Functional Materials R.I.)
  • Hiroyuki SHIMADA (Inorganic Functional Materials R.I.)
  • 1) Investigation of new and efficient energy convertion technology using solid electrolyte
  • 2) Investigation of cutting edge technology, such as new materials, cell-stack fabrication methods, and evaluation methods
  • 3) Combining the activities of research scientists to expect a synagy effects
  • 4) Estabilishment of Innovation-Hub for SOFC-SOEC technology
Overview of Lab.(Only in Japanese)

1. Overview of establishments of Laboratory
The main target of ALSEC is develop the technology which can be applied in 2030 and later. The outline and status of research can be obtained in this link; HERE

2.Contents of Research
The main focus of the study is to develop the cutting edge technology on Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFCs) and Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cells (SOEC). Also, the activities cover all solid-state ionic conducting devices as well as the technological support of the Advanced Technology Consortium for Solid State Energy Conversion(ASEC). Points:
1) Investigation of cutting edge technology for SOFCs, such as new materials, cell-stack fabrication methods, and evaluation methods
2) Investigation of new and efficient energy conversion technology using ionic conducting solid-state electrolytes
3) Combining the research scientists’ activities with different fields to induce a synergy effect
4) Establishment of Innovation-Hub for SOFC-SOEC technology with companies, universities, and research institutes

