

[1] Takuya Kiyokawa, Naoki Shirakura, Wang Zhenting, Natsuki Yamanobe, Ixchel G. Ramirez-Alpiza, Wan Weiwei, Kensuke Harada, ‘Difficulty and Complexity Definitions for Assembly Task Allocation and Assignment in Human-Robot Collaboration’, Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, vol. 84, 2023. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[2] Erich Floris, Bruno Leme, Noriaki Ando, Ryo Hanai, Yukiyasu Domae, ‘Learning Depth Completion of Transparent Objects using Augmented Unpaired Data’, in proceedings of 2023 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2023. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[3] Simeon Capy, Enrique Coronado, Pablo Osorio, Shohei Hagane, Dominique Deuff, Gentiane Venture, ‘Integration of a Presence Robot in a Smart Home’, in proceedings of 2023 3rd International Conference on Computer, Control and Robotics (ICCCR), 2023. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[4] Sari Toyoguchi, Enrique Coronado, Gentiane Venture, ‘A human-centered and adaptive robotic system using deep learning and Adaptive Predictive Controllerse’, Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, vol. 35., No. 3, pp. 834-843, 2023. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[5] Ryo Hanai, Yukiyasu Domae, Ixchel G. Ramirez-Alpiza, Bruno Leme, Tetsuya Ogata, ‘Force Map: Learning to Predict Contact Force Distribution from Vision’, in proceedings of IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2023. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[6] Enrique Coronado, Toshifumi Shinya, Gentian Venture, ‘Hold My Hand: Development of a Force Controller and System Architecture for Joint Walking with a Companion Robot’, SENSORS, vol. 23, no. 12, 2023. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[7] Tomohiro Motoda, Damien Petit, Takao Nishi, Kazuyuki Nagata, Weiwei Wan, Kensuke Harada, ‘Multi-step Object Extraction Planning from Clutter based on Support Relations’, IEEE Access, vol. 11, 2023. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[8] Xinyi Zhang, Yukiyasu Domae, Weiwei Wan, Kensuke Harada, ‘Learning efficient policies for picking entangled wire harnesses’, in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2023. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[9] Shusei Nagato, Tomohiro Motoda, Takao Nishi, Damien Petit, Takuya Kiyokawa, Weiwei Wan, Kensuke Harada, ‘Probabilistic Slide-support Manipulation Planning in Clutter’, in Proceeding of 2023 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2023. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[10] Yukiko Osawa, Kei Kase, Yoshiyuki Furukawa, Yukiyasu Domae, ‘Active heat flow sensing for robust material identification’, IEEE Access, vol. 11, 2023. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[11] Yukiko Osawa, Yukiyasu Domae, Ichiro Ogura, Yoshiyuki Furukawa, Abderrahmane Kheddar, ‘Robotic Thermoregulation for Material Identification using Recycled Inner-Generated Motor Heat’, in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, 2023. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[12] Enrique Coronado, Natsuki Yamanobe, Gentiane Venture, ‘NEP+: A Human-Centered Framework for Inclusive Human-Machine Interaction Development’, SENSORS, vol. 23, no. 22, 2023. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[13] Enrique Coronado, Toshio Ueshiba, Ixchel G. Ramirez-Alpizar, ‘A Path to Industry 5.0 Digital Twins for Human-Robot Collaboration by Bridging NEP+ and ROS’, Robotics, vol. 13, no. 28, 2024. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[14] 菱川 祐也, 日下 聖, 田中 孝之, 田中 吉史, 白倉 尚樹, 山野辺 夏樹, Ixchel G. Ramirez-Alpizar, Enrique Coronado, 堂前 幸康 , ‘ネックバンド型センサユニットを用いた作業負担推定’, 第24回計測自動制御学会 システムインテグレーション部門講演会, 2023. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[15] 酒井 貴史, 長谷川 浩, 蓮沼 仁志, 長嶋 功一, 原口 林太郎, 坂井 亮, 花井 亮, 菅 佑樹, 北村 篤史, 坂本 武志, 安藤 慶昭, 大原 賢一 , ‘人協働のロボットマニピュレータを中心とした 周辺システムとのインターフェースの仕様化 ―人協働のロボットマニピュレータと高度な S/W 技術との連携を目指して―’, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス 講演会 2023, 2023. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[16] 板寺 駿輝, ‘支援性・操作性・訓練性を両立する物理的インタラクション研究’, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス 講演会 2023, 2023. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[17] 白倉 尚貴, 山野辺 夏樹, 丸山 翼, 堂前 幸康, 尾形 哲也 , ‘繰り返し作業における作業テンポの指示と作業負荷・生産性の関係調査’, 第24回計測自動制御学会 システムインテグレーション部門講演会, 2023. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[18] 大田 純志, 水野 海渡, 幸地 真央, RamirezAlpizar Ixchel, 東森充 , ‘空圧式剛性可変型ダミー対象物の開発’, 第24回計測自動制御学会 システムインテグレーション部門講演会, 2023. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[19] 日下 聖, 田中 孝之, 菱川 祐也, 田中 吉史, 白倉 尚貴, 山野辺 夏樹, RamirezAlpizar Georgina Ixchel, CORONADO ZUNIGA LUIS ENRIQUE, 堂前 幸康 , ‘ネックバンド型センサユニットを用いた作業計測の一提案’, 第29 回作業関連性運動器障害研究会, 2023. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[20] 大澤 友紀子, 古川 慈之, 堂前 幸康 , ‘熱を感知するロボット手先の材料識別における接触面圧力・時間・温度差の影響’, 第41回日本ロボット学会学術講演会, 2023. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[21] Mustafa Abdullah, 堂前 幸康, RamirezAlpizar Georgina Ixchel, 花井 亮, Floris MarcArden Erich, 尾形 哲也 , ‘Force-Map for Robust Feature Representation and Its Application to Object Manipulation’, 第41回日本ロボット学会学術講演会, 2023. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[22] Floris Erich, 牧原 昂志, Mustafa Mohamed, Arafa Abdullah, 堂前 幸康 , ‘Segment Anything and cyclic adversarial learning for handling pick and place of multiple transparent objects’, 第41回日本ロボット学会学術講演会, 2023. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[23] Floris Erich, 牧原 昂志, Mustafa Mohamed, Arafa Abdullah, 板寺 駿輝, 堂前 幸康 , ‘A survey of spatially embedding language for application in a convenience store’, 第41回日本ロボット学会学術講演会, 2023. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[24] Floris Erich , ‘Automatic segmentation for neural scanning of food products and household objects’, 第41回日本ロボット学会学術講演会, 2023. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[25] 板寺 駿輝 , ‘人機械協調システム構築を支援するオープンパッケージOpenHRCの開発’, 第41回日本ロボット学会学術講演会, 2023. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[26] Floris Erich, 安藤 慶昭, 花井 亮, 堂前 幸康 , ‘Learning Depth Completion of Transparent Objects using Augmented Unpaired Data’, Seventh International Workshop on Symbolic-Neural Learning (SNL2023), 2023. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[27] Coronado Zuniga Luis Enrique, 山野辺 夏樹, Venture Gentiane , ‘Bridging Humans, Robots, and Computers using NEP+ tools’, Seventh International Workshop on Symbolic-Neural Learning (SNL2023), 2023. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[28] 山田 響生, 元田 智大, 家脇 康佑, 西 卓郎, 万 偉偉, 原田 研介 , ‘取り出し困難な密集状態からの把持戦略の自動生成’, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス 講演会 2023, 2023. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[29] 元田 智大, ダミアン ジェラルド プティ, 西 卓郎, 永田 和之, 万 偉偉, 原田 研介 , ‘崩れ予測に基づく多段階ばら積みピッキング手法’, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス 講演会 2023, 2023. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[30] 大澤 友紀子, 古川 慈之, 堂前 幸康 , ‘ロボットの自己発熱を活用した認識・制御技術の検討 ―ロボットの血液循環システム実現に向けて―’, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス 講演会 2023, 2023. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[31] Xinyi Zhang, 堂前 幸康, Weiwei Wan, 原田 研介 , ‘Initial Experiments on Picking Entangled Wire Harnesses using Dynamic Manipulation’, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス 講演会 2023, 2023. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[32] 板寺 駿輝, 堂前 幸康 , ‘生産性に基づいた自律・遠隔ロボット衝突回避時の優先度選択法の提案’, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス 講演会 2023, 2023. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[33] 牧原 昂志, 山田 亮佑, 堂前 幸康, 片岡 裕雄, 原田 研介 , ‘数式ドリブン教師あり学習を用いた把持位置検出’, MIRU2023, 2023. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[34] Xinyi Zhang, Yukiyasu Domae, Weiwei Wan, Kensuke Harada, ‘A closed-loop bin picking system for entangled wire harnesses using bimanual and dynamic manipulation’, Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, vol. 86, issue C, 2024. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[35] Xinyi Zhang, Yukiyasu Domae, Weiwei Wan, Kensuke Harada, ‘Learning to dexterously pick or separate tangled-prone objects for industrial bin picking’, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 8, no. 8, 2023. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[36] 堂前 幸康, 丸山 翼, 植芝 俊夫, 多田 充徳, ‘デジタルツインコンピューティング: 2. 生産性と人負担軽減を両立するデジタルツイン’, 情報処理, vol. 64, no. 11, 2023. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[37] 堂前 幸康, ‘経験拡張:ロボット学習における視覚的仮想経験の生成と応用’, 画像センシングシンポジウム(SSII) 2023, 2023. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[38] Floris Erich, Noriaki Ando, Yusuke Yoshiyasu, ‘Scanning and Affordance Segmentation of Glass and Plastic Bottles’, in proceedings of 2024 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration (SII), 2024. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[39] Naoki Shirakura, Natsuki Yamanobe, Tsubasa Maruyama, Yukiyasu Domae, Tetsuya Ogata, ‘Work Tempo Instruction Framework for Balancing Human Workload and Productivity in Repetitive Task’, in Companion of the 2024 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, 2024. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[40] Zhenting Wang, Takuya Kiyokawa, Issei Sera, Natsuki Yamanobe, Weiwei Wan, Kensuke Harada, ‘Error Correction in Robotic Assembly Planning From Graphical Instruction Manuals’, IEEE Access, vol. 11, 2024. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[41] 堂前 幸康, ‘ロボットチャレンジと産業の接点を探る’, RRI・マニピュレーション委員会第1回シンポジウム, 2024. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[1] 白澤健, 後根充志, 高瀬竜一, 堂前幸康, ‘袋物柔軟重量物に適した自重式鉗子型グリッパの開発’. 2022. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[2] 堂前幸康, ‘次世代生産を支えるサイバーフィジカルシステム’. 2022. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[3] Vitor Isume, 原田 研介, Weiwei Wan, 堂前幸康, ‘RGB Image-based Craft Assembly System’. 2022. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[4] Xinyi Zhang, 堂前 幸康, 原田 研介, Weiwei Wan, ‘Learning Dexterous Bin Picking Policies for Picking and Separating Tangled-Prone Parts’. 2022. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[5] Leme Bruno, RamirezAlpizar Ixchel, Floris MarcArden Erich, 花井 亮, 堂前 幸康, 尾形 哲也, ‘Force map: an approach on how to learn to manipulate deformable objects’. 2022. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[6] Cristian Beltran, Damien Petit, RamirezAlpizar Georgina Ixchel, 原田 研介, ‘Curriculum Reinforcement Learning for Industrial Insertion Tasks’. 2022. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[7] Wang Zhenting, 山野辺 夏樹, 清川拓哉, RamirezAlpizar Ixchel, 世良一成, Wan Weiwei, 原田 研介, ‘Robot Assembly Planning using Symbol and Speech Bubble Information on Graphical Instruction Manuals’. 2022. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[8] 永田 和之, ‘AI×ロボットを活用した小規模店舗作業の自動化の試み’. 2022. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[9] 花井 亮, 堂前 幸康, 尾形 哲也, ‘深層予測学習モデルを用いた矩形注視領域推定’. 2022. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[10] 堂前 幸康, ‘サイバーフィジカルシステムの構築手法と作業支援への応用’. 2022. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[11] E. Coronado, ‘Building Digital Twins for Human-Robot Interaction using games engines, a human-centered perspective’. 2023. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[12] K. Makihara, Y. Domae, I. G. Ramirez-Alpizar, T. Ueshiba, and K. Harada, ‘Grasp pose detection for deformable daily items by pix2stiffness estimation’, Advanced Robotics, vol. 36, no. 12, pp. 600–610, Jun. 2022. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[13] E. Coronado, T. Kiyokawa, G. A. G. Ricardez, I. G. Ramirez-Alpizar, G. Venture, and N. Yamanobe, ‘Evaluating quality in human-robot interaction: A systematic search and classification of performance and human-centered factors, measures and metrics towards an industry 5.0’, Journal of Manufacturing Systems, vol. 63, pp. 392–410, Apr. 2022. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[14] J. Xu, Y. Domae, T. Ueshiba, W. Wan, and K. Harada, ‘Planning a Minimum Sequence of Positions for Picking Parts From Multiple Trays Using a Mobile Manipulator’, IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 165526–165541, 2021. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[15] K. Kase, C. Utsumi, Y. Domae, and T. Ogata, ‘Use of Action Label in Deep Predictive Learning for Robot Manipulation’, in 2022 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2022. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[16] K. Takata, T. Kiyokawa, I. G. Ramirez-Alpizar, N. Yamanobe, W. Wan, and K. Harada, ‘Efficient Task/Motion Planning for a Dual-arm Robot from Language Instructions and Cooking Images’, in 2022 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2022, pp. 12058–12065. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[17] K. Kase, A. Tateishi, and T. Ogata, ‘Robot Task Learning With Motor Babbling Using Pseudo Rehearsal’, in IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2022, vol. 7, pp. 8377–8382. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[18] N. Shirakura, R. Takase, N. Yamanobe, Y. Domae, and T. Ogata, ‘Time Pressure Based Human Workload and Productivity Compatible System for Human-Robot Collaboration’, in 2022 IEEE 18th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), 2022, pp. 659–666. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[19] H. Nagahama, I. G. Ramirez-Alpizar, and K. Harada, ‘Food Arrangement Framework for Cooking Robots’, in 2022 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM), 2022, pp. 1179–1184. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[20] J. Qu, S. Miwa, and Y. Domae, ‘Interpretable Navigation Agents Using Attention-Augmented Memory’, in 2022 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), 2022, pp. 2575–2582. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[21] S. Capy et al., ‘Yokobo: A Robot to Strengthen Links Amongst Users With Non-Verbal Behaviours’, Machines, vol. 10, no. 8, p. 708, Aug. 2022. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[22] J. Qu, S. Miwa, and Y. Domae, ‘Learning Landmark-Oriented Subgoals for Visual Navigation Using Trajectory Memory’, in 2022 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI), 2022, pp. 708–714. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[23] 東 和樹, 小山 佳祐, 小澤 隆太, 永田 和之, 万 偉偉, 清川 拓哉, 原田 研介, ‘多様な物体操作を可能にする流体ネットワークを用いたシナジーハンド’, 日本ロボット学会誌, vol. 40, no. 6, pp. 635–638, 2022. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[24] T. Motoda, D. Petit, T. Nishi, K. Nagata, W. Wan, and K. Harada, ‘Shelf Replenishment Based on Object Arrangement Detection and Collapse Prediction for Bimanual Manipulation’, Robotics, vol. 11, no. 5, p. 104, Sep. 2022. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[25] F. von Drigalski et al., ‘Team O2AC at the world robot summit 2020: towards jigless, high-precision assembly’, Advanced Robotics, vol. 36, no. 22, pp. 1213–1227, Nov. 2022. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[26] S. Capy et al., ‘Expanding the Frontiers of Industrial Robots beyond Factories: Design and in the Wild Validation’, Machines, vol. 10, no. 12, pp. 1–20, Dec. 2022. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[27] K. Takata, T. Kiyokawa, N. Yamanobe, I. G. Ramirez-Alpizar, W. Wan, and K. Harada, ‘Graph-Based Framework on Bimanual Manipulation Planning from Cooking Recipe’, Robotics, vol. 11, no. 6, p. 123, Nov. 2022. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[28] E. Coronado, S. Itadera, and I. G. Ramirez-Alpizar, ‘Integrating Virtual, Mixed, and Augmented Reality to Human-Robot Interaction Applications Using Game Engines: A Brief Review of Accessible Software Tools and Frameworks’, Applied Sciences, vol. 13, no. 3, p. 1292, Jan. 2023. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[29] K. Kase, A. Tateishi, and T. Ogata, ‘Robot Task Learning With Motor Babbling Using Pseudo Rehearsal’, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 8377–8382, Jul. 2022. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[30] X. Zhang, Y. Domae, W. Wan, and K. Harada, ‘Learning Efficient Policies for Picking Entangled Wire Harnesses: An Approach to Industrial Bin Picking’, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 73–80, Jan. 2023. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[31] F. Erich, B. Bourreau, C. K. Tan, G. Caron, Y. Yoshiyasu, and N. Ando, ‘Neural Scanning: Rendering and determining geometry of household objects using Neural Radiance Fields’, in 2023 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration (SII), 2023.▶︎[Bib TeX]
[1]廣瀬 颯太, 堂前 幸康, RamirezAlpizar Georgina Ixchel, 植芝 俊夫. DQNを用いた視覚からの動作生成に基づくシーンに隠された目標物体の探索. 画像センシングシンポジウム, 2021. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[2]Enrique Coronado, Kosuke Fukuda, Ixchel G. Ramirez-Alpizar, Natsuki Yamanobe, Gentiane Venture, and Kensuke Harada. Assembly action understanding from fine-grained hand motions, a multi-camera and deep learning approach. International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2021. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[3]牧原 昂志, 堂前 幸康, RamirezAlpizar Georgina Ixchel, 植芝 俊夫. pix2stiffnessによる柔軟物体の把持位置検出. 第27回 画像センシングシンポジウム, 2021. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[4]牧原 昂志, 堂前 幸康, RamirezAlpizar Georgina Ixchel, 植芝 俊夫. pix2stiffnessによる柔軟物体の把持位置検出. 第27回画像センシングシンポジウム, 2021. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[5]Issei Sera, Natsuki Yamanobe, Ixchel G. Ramirez-Alpizar, Zhenting Wang, Weiwei Wan, and Kensuke Harada. Assembly planning by recognizing a graphical instruction manual. International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2021. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[6]Xinyi Zhang, Keisuke Koyama, Yukiyasu Domae, Weiwei Wan, and Kensuke Harada. A topological solution of entanglement for complex-shaped parts in robotic bin-picking. International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), 2021. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[7]堂前 幸康. ニューノーマルとロボットのこれからの関係. 日本ロボット学会ロボット工学セミナー, 2021. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[8]堂前 幸康. スマートロボットの実証実験のための評価基準の策定. 情報処理学会連続セミナー, 2021. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[9]堂前 幸康. デジタルツインによる人・機械協調のためのロボットビジョン. 画像符号化シンポジウムPCSJ/映像メディア処理シンポジウムIMPS, 2021. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[10]堂前 幸康. ニューノーマルにおけるロボットビジョン研究. 画像センシング展2021, 2021.▶︎[Bib TeX]
[11]Vitor H. Isume, Kensuke Harada, Weiwei Wan, and Yukiyasu Domae. Using affordances for assembly: Towards a complete craft assembly system. The International Conference on Control, Automation, and Systems (ICCAS), 2021. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[12]Vitor Isume, Kensuke Harada, Wei Wei Wan, Yukiyasu Domae. Towards an affordance-based craft assembly. 日本ロボット学会学術講演会, 2021. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[13]堂前 幸康. 人・ロボット協調における産業用ロボットのAI化. レーザ協会第191回研究会, 2021.▶︎[Bib TeX]
[14]Xinyi Zhang, Y. Domae, W. Wan, and K. Harada. Efficiently picking tangled-prone parts by learning a sequential bin picking policy. 計測自動制御学会 システムインテグレーション部門講演会, 2021. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[15]白倉 尚貴, 高瀬 竜一, 山野辺 夏樹, 堂前 幸康. 人・ロボット協調作業におけるタイムプレッシャー管理と作業負荷および作業効率の関係の検証. 第22回 計測自動制御学会 システムインテグレーション部門講演会, 2021. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[16]牧原 昂志, 堂前 幸康, 片岡 裕雄, RamirezAlpizar Georgina Ixchel, 原田 研介. アピアランスからの物体柔軟性推定に基づく把持位置検出. 第22回計測自動制御学会 システムインテグレーション部門講演会, 2021. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[17]Jingren Xu, Yukiyasu Domae, Toshio Ueshiba, Weiwei Wan, and Kensuke Harada. Planning an efficient and robust base sequence for a mobile manipulator performing multiple pick-and-place tasks. IEEE Access, 9(9):165526–165541, 2021. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[18]Kazuyuki Nagata and Takao Nishi. Modeling object arrangement patterns and picking arranged objects. ADVANCED ROBOTICS, 35(16):981–994, 2021. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[19]Enrique Coronado, Kosuke Fukuda, Ixchel G. Ramirez-Alpizar, Natsuki Yamanobe, Gentiane Venture, and Kensuke Harada. Assembly action understanding from fine-grained hand motions, a multi-camera and deep learning approach. In 2021 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), pages 2605–2611. IEEE Explore, 2021. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[20]Issei Sera, Natsuki Yamanobe, Ixchel G. Ramirez-Alpizar, Zhenting Wang, Weiwei Wan, and Kensuke Harada. Assembly planning by recognizing a graphical instruction manual. In 2021 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), page arXiv:2106.00424. IEEE Explore, 2021. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[21]Xinyi Zhang, Keisuke Koyama, Yukiyasu Domae, Weiwei Wan, and Kensuke Harada. A topological solution of entanglement for complex-shaped parts in robotic bin-picking. In International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), pages 461–467. IEEE, 2021. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[22]Peihao Shi, Zhengtao Hu, Kazuyuki Nagata, Weiwei Wan, Yukiyasu Domae, and Kensuke Harada. Development of a shape-memorable adaptive pin array fixture. ADVANCED ROBOTICS, 35(10):591–602, 2021. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[23]Vitor H. Isume, Kensuke Harada, Weiwei Wan, and Yukiyasu Domae. Using affordances for assembly: Towards a complete craft assembly system. In The Proceeding of The International Conference on Control, Automation, and Systems (ICCAS). Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems, 2021. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[24]原田 研介, 堂前 幸康. 学習に基づくバラ積みからのピッキング. In 画像ラボ, volume 32, pages 60–66. 日本工業出版, 2021. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[25]Akira Nakamura, Natsuki Yamanobe, Ixchel G. Ramirez-Alpizar, Kensuke Harada, and Yukiyasu Domae. Selection of optimal error recovery process using evaluation standards in automated plants. Journal of Robotics, Networking and Artificial Life, 8(3):211–217, 2021. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[26]Yan Wang, Cristian C. Beltran-Hernandez, Weiwei Wan, and Kensuke Harada. Robotic imitation of human assembly skills using hybrid trajectory and force learning. In 2021 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), page arXiv:2103.05912. IEEE, 2021. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[27]Tomohiro Motoda, Damien Petit, Weiwei Wan, and Kensuke Harada. Bimanual shelf picking planner based on collapse prediction. In 2021 IEEE 17th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), page arXiv:2105.14764. IEEE, 2021. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[28]Takumi Sakamoto, Weiwei Wan, Takao Nishi, and Kensuke Harada. Efficient picking by considering simultaneous two-object grasping. In Proceedings of 2021 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE). IEEE, 2021. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[29]Jingren Xu, Yukiyasu Domae, Weiwei Wan, and Kensuke Harada. An optimization-based motion planner for a mobile manipulator to perform tasks during the motion. IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration (SII), 2022. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[30]堂前 幸康. シミュレーションとAI・ロボティクスを活用した人・機械協調の取り組み. AI時代のモノづくりセミナー, 2022. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[31]Jingren Xu, Yukiyasu Domae, Weiwei Wan, and Kensuke Harada. An optimization-based motion planner for a mobile manipulator to perform tasks during the motion. In Proceeding of The 2022 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration, pages 519–524. IEEE/SICE, 2022. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[32]Yan Wang, Cristian Camilo Beltran-Hernandez, Wei Wei Wan, Kensuke Harada. Hybrid trajectory and force learning of complex assembly tasks: A combined learning framework. IEEE Access, 2022. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[33]Yan Wang, Cristian C. Beltran-Hernandez, Weiwei Wan, and Kensuke Harada. An adaptive imitation learning framework for robotic complex contact-rich insertion tasks. FRONTIERS IN ROBOTICS AND AI, 8, 2022. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[1]勝田 顕光. 視触覚センサ応用のための透過・不透過素材の特性を利用した物体姿勢推定. MIRU2020, 2020. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[2]廣瀬 颯太, 堂前 幸康, 植芝 俊夫. 目標物体が隠された環境におけるRGBD画像を用いたpick-and-place. 第23回 画像の認識・理解シンポジウム, 2020. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[3]牧原 昂志. Stiffness mapを適用した柔軟物体のための把持位置検出. 第23回 画像の認識・理解シンポジウム, 2020. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[4]Luis Enrique Coronado Zuniga, Venture Gentiane, Natsuki Yamanobe. Applying kansei/affective engineering methodologies in the design of social and service robots: A systematic review. International Journal of Social Robotics, 13:1161–1171, 2020. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[5]Yukiyasu Domae, Akio Noda, Tatsuya Nagatani, and Weiwei Wan. Robotic general parts feeder: Bin-picking, regrasping, and kitting. In 2020 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pages 5004–5010. IEEE, 2020. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[6]Jingren Xu, Kensuke Harada, Weiwei Wan, Toshio Ueshiba, and Yukiyasu Domae. Planning an efficient and robust base sequence for a mobile manipulator performing multiple pick-and-place tasks. In Proceedings of International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pages 11018–11024. IEEE Robotics and Automation Society, January 2020. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[7]福本 靖彦, 山野辺 夏樹, 万 偉偉, 原田 研介. ヒトの作業特性に基づく複数ステップ力制御の最適化. 日本ロボット学会誌, 38(4):89–98, 2020. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[8]高瀬 竜一, 堂前 幸康, 植芝 俊夫. 生産現場ロボットで用いられる距離・画像センサ. In 距離・画像センサの基礎と最先端, pages 20–27. S&T出版株式会社, 2020. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[9]RamirezAlpizar Ixchel. 「デザイン思考を取り入れたロボットの社会実装」特集について. In 日本ロボット学会誌, volume 38, pages 2–2. 一般社団法人 日本ロボット学会, 2020. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[10]Yukiyasu Domae, Akio Noda, Tatsuya Nagatani, and Weiwei Wan. Robotic general parts feeder: Bin-picking, regrasping, and kitting. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2020. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[11]長濱星斗, RamirezAlpizar Georgina Ixchel, 小山佳祐, 万偉偉, 原田 研介. ロボットによる盛り付けのための食品配置生成. 日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2020, 2020. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[12]高田康太, RamirezAlpizar Georgina Ixchel, 小山佳祐, 万偉偉, 原田 研介. レシピを基にしたロボットによる料理の作業計画. ロボティクス・メカトロニクス 講演会 2020, 2020. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[13]Jingren Xu, Kensuke Harada, Wei Wei Wan, Toshio Ueshiba, Yukiyasu Domae. Planning an efficient and robust base sequence for a mobile manipulator performing multiple pick-and-place tasks. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), January 2020. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[14]Peihao Shi, Zhengtao Hu, Kazuyuki Nagata, Weiwei Wan, Yukiyasu Domae, and Kensuke Harada. An adaptive pin array fixture to fix multiple parts. ROBOMECH2020, 2020. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[15]Xniyi Zhang, keisuke koyama, Wei Wei Wan, Yukiyasu Domae, Kensuke Harada. Motion generation for separating tangled objects in robotic bin-picking. システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会 (SCI’20), 2020. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[16]Cristian Beltran-Hernandez, Petit Damien, Ixchel RamirezAlpizar, Nishi Takayuki, Kikuchi Shinichi, Takamitsu Matsubara, Kensuke Harada. Learning contact-rich manipulation tasks with rigid position-controlled robots: Learning to force control. International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems 2020, 2020. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[17]Natsuki Yamanobe. How should robots move to work together with humans? 23rd CISM IFToMM Symposium on Robot Design, Dynamics and Control, 2020. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[18]高田康太, 山野辺 夏樹, RamirezAlpizar Georgina Ixchel, 小山佳祐, 万偉偉, 原田 研介. レシピを基にしたロボットの双腕による料理作業計画. 第38回日本ロボット学会学術講演会(RSJ2020), 2020. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[19]世良一成, 山野辺 夏樹, RamirezAlpizar Georgina Ixchel, 小山佳祐, 万偉偉, 原田 研介. イラスト入り組立説明書を用いた組立作業シーケンスグラフの生成. 第38回日本ロボット学会学術講演会(RSJ2020), 2020. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[20]山野辺 夏樹. 次世代協働ロボット. インテリジェント実装技術研究会, 2020. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[21]堂前 幸康. 産業用ロボットにおけるビジョンとAI活用の最前線. 中国地域産総研技術セミナー, 2020. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[22]津田 浩平, 永田 和之, 西 卓郎, 大西 謙吾. 機械学習 に よ る コンビニ商品 の 検出. 日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2020, 2020. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[23]東 和樹, 小山 佳祐, 小澤 隆太, 永田 和之, Wei Wei Wan, 原田 研介. 機能別操作シナジー:対象物操作時の指の機能を考慮したシナジー. 日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2020, 2020. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[24]津田 浩平, 永田 和之, 大西 謙吾. 小規模店舗の商品陳列における異商品混入の検出. 第38回日本ロボット学会学術講演会, 2020. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[25]樋口 慶, RamirezAlpizar Georgina Ixchel, Venture Gentiane, 山野辺 夏樹. 仮想環境を用いたロボットの視覚運動学習. SICE SI 2020, 2020. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[26]津田 浩平, 永田 和之, 大西 謙吾. 小規模店舗における商品陳列の乱れ検出. SI2020, 2020. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[27]Cristian Beltran-Hernandez, Petit Damien, Ixchel RamirezAlpizar, Kensuke Harada. Learning robotic peg-in-hole with uncertainty goals. 第21回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会, 2020. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[28]Xinyi Zhang, Keisuke Koyama, Yukiyasu Domae, Wei Wei Wan, Kensuke Harada. Topology-based grasp detection avoiding entanglement for robotic bin-picking. 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会, 2020. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[29]Jingren Xu, Yukiyasu Domae, Toshio Ueshiba, Wei Wei Wan, Kensuke Harada. Base position planning for a mobile manipulator to pick-and-transport objects stored in multiple trays. 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(SI2020), 2020. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[30]Jingren Xu, Keisuke Koyama, Weiwei Wan, Yukiyasu Domae, and Kensuke Harada. Designing grippers based on model decomposition and primitive fitting. 日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス部門講演会(ROBOMEC), 2020. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[31]Cristian Beltran-Hernandez, Petit Damien, Ixchel RamirezAlpizar, Nishi Takayuki, Kikuchi Shinichi, Takamitsu Matsubara, Kensuke Harada. Learning contact-rich manipulation tasks with rigid position-controlled robots: Learning to force control. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 5(4):5709–5716, 2020. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[32]Jingren Xu, Kensuke Harada, Weiwei Wan, Toshio Ueshiba, and Yukiyasu Domae. Planning an efficient and robust base sequence for a mobile manipulator performing multiple pick-and-place tasks. In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pages 11018–11024. IEEE, January 2020. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[33]Xniyi Zhang, keisuke koyama, Wei Wei Wan, 堂前 幸康, 原田 研介. Motion generation for separating tangled objects in robotic bin-picking. In システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演論文集, pages 1176–1179. システム制御情報学会, 2020. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[34]Peihao Shi, Zhengtao Hu, Kazuyuki Nagata, Weiwei Wan, Yukiyasu Domae, and Kensuke Harada. An adaptive pin array fixture to fix multiple parts. In The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), volume 2020, pages 2A2–K10. The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2020. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[35]Jingren Xu, Keisuke Koyama, Weiwei Wan, Yukiyasu Domae, and Kensuke Harada. Designing grippers based on model decomposition and primitive fitting,. In The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), volume 2020, pages 1P1–B01. The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2020. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[36]Kazuki Higashi, Keisuke Koyama, Ryuta Ozawa, Kazuyuki Nagata, Weiwei Wan, and Kensuke Harada. Functionally divided manipulation synergy for controlling multi-fingered hands. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2020), March 2020. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[37]Kazuki Higashi, Keisuke Koyama, Ryuta Ozawa, Kazuyuki Nagata, Weiwei Wan, and Kensuke Harada. Functionally divided manipulation synergy for controlling multi-fingered hands. In Proc. of the 2020 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, page arXiv:2003.11699. IEEE/RSJ, March 2020. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[38]Cristian C. Beltran-Hernandez, Damien Petit, Ixchel G. Ramirez-Alpizar, and Kensuke Harada. Variable compliance control for robotic peg-in-hole assembly: A deep reinforcement learning approach. Applied Sciences-Basel, 10(19):6923, August 2020. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[39]I. Ramirez-Alpizar, Ryosuke Hiraki, and K. Harada. Cooking actions inference based on ingredient’s physical features. IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration (SII 2021), 2021. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[40]Akira Nakamura, Natsuki Yamanobe, Ixchel Ramirez Alpizar, Kensuke Harada, and Yukiyasu Domae. Using various evaluation standards to determine an error recovery process in an automation plant. The 2021 International Conference on Artificial Life and Robotics (ICAROB 2021), 2021. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[41]山野辺 夏樹. ロボットを用いた人・機械協調システムに関する実応用研究. 中長期的なロボット研究に資する技術勉強会・意見交換会, 2021. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[42]永田 和之. 指の機能的分割に注目した多指ハンドによる物体操作. 第26回ロボティクスシンポジア, 2021. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[43]Ixchel G. Ramirez-Alpizar, Ryosuke Hiraki, and Kensuke Harada. Cooking actions inference based on ingredient’s physical features. In IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration (SII 2021), pages 195–200. IEEE, 2021. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[44]Akira Nakamura, Natsuki Yamanobe, Ixchel Ramirez Alpizar, Kensuke Harada, and Yukiyasu Domae. Using various evaluation standards to determine an error recovery process in an automation plant. In PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2021 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ARTIFICIAL LIFE AND ROBOTICS, volume 26, pages 321–327. ALife Robotics Corporation Ltd., 2021. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[45]Jingren Xu, Weiwei Wan, Keisuke Koyama, Yukiyasu Domae, and Kensuke Harada. Selecting and designing grippers for an assembly task in a structured approach. ADVANCED ROBOTICS, 35(6):381–397, March 2021. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[1]Kousuke Mano, Takahiro Hasegawa, Takayoshi Yamashita, Hironobu Fujiyoshi, and Yukiyasu Domae. Fast and precise detection of object grasping positions with eigenvalue templates. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation(ICRA) 2019, 2019. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[2]Ryo Matsumura, Yukiyasu Domae, Wei Wei Wan, Kensuke Harada. Learning based robotic bin-picking for potentially tangled objects. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robotis and Systems(IROS) 2019, 2019. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[3]西 卓郎, 朝岡 忠, 永田 和之, 堂前 幸康. 陳列物体操作のための配置パターンを考慮した三次元位置姿勢推定手法. 第22回 画像の認識・理解シンポジウム (MIRU2019), 2019. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[4]朝岡 忠, 永田 和之, 西 卓郎. 物品群の配列パターンと隙間が把持戦略に及ぼす影響. 日本ロボット学会学術講演会, 2019. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[5]Ixchel RamirezAlpizar. Towards an efficient framework for generating robotic assembly motions. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2019. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[6]長濱星斗, RamirezAlpizar Ixchel, 万偉偉, 原田 研介. ロボットによる調理のための食材配置生成. 第20回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会, 2019. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[7]速水友輔, 石 培昊, RamirezAlpizar Ixchel, 万 偉偉, 原田 研介. スナップアセンブリにおける決定木を用いた複数種類のエラーパターン識別. 第20回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会, 2019. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[8]Xinyi Zhang, Damien Petit, Yukiyasu Domae, Ixchel RamirezAlpizar, Wei Wei Wan, Kensuke Harada. Error analysis and adjustment on randomized bin-picking. 第20回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会, 2019. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[9]Cristian Beltran, Damien Petit, Ixchel RamirezAlpizar, Takamitsu Matsubara, Kensuke Harada. Hybrid position-force control with reinforcement learning. 第20回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会, 2019. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[10]佐藤優也, RamirezAlpizar Ixchel, 酒田信親, 万 偉偉, 原田 研介. テンプレートを利用した光沢物体の姿勢推定. 第37回日本ロボット学会学術講演会, 2019. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[11]Cristian Beltran, Damien Petit, Ixchel RamirezAlpizar, Takamitsu Matsubara, Kensuke Harada. Reinforcement learning framework for real-world robotic arm. 第37回日本ロボット学会学術講演会, 2019. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[12]Xinyi Zhang, Damien Petit, Yukiyasu Domae, Ixchel RamirezAlpizar, Wei Wei Wan, Kensuke Harada. A real-time robotic calibration method for vision-based bin-picking. ロボティクス・メカトロニクス 講演会 2019, 2019. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[13]坂本匠, 原田 研介, 万 偉偉, RamirezAlpizar Ixchel. パレタイジングの軌道計画におけるR-PRM(re-usable probabilistic roadmap) 手法. ロボティクス・メカトロニクス 講演会 2019, 2019. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[14]平木亮輔, RamirezAlpizar Ixchel, 原田 研介. 食材の物理的特徴の学習に基づく実行可能な調理動作の推定. ロボティクス・メカトロニクス 講演会 2019, 2019. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[15]堂前 幸康. 機械学習によるロボットマニピュレーション. 秋田県ロボット技術研究会, 2019. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[16]Yukiyasu Domae. AI-based manipulation. ITRI-AIST workshop, 2019. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[17]Yukiyasu Domae. Robotic picking for various objects. UK-Japan Robotics and AI Research Collaboration Workshop, 2019. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[18]Kazuki Higashi, Ryuta Ozawa, Kazuyuki Nagata, Wei Wei Wan, Kensuke Harada. Synergy-based control for multi-fingered hands using selected joint spaces. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2019), 2019. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[19]山野辺 夏樹. 複雑作業の自動化に向けた力制御. ロボット工学セミナー 第120回 ロボットのための作業・動作計画とその教示支援技術, 2019. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[20]堂前 幸康, 原田 研介, Wei Wei Wan, 真野 航輔, 花井 亮, 山野辺 夏樹, RamirezAlpizar Georgina Ixchel, 植芝 俊夫, 高瀬 竜一, 藤吉弘亘. 製造現場でのロボットの自律的な作業を実現するAI技術を開発. 次世代人工知能・ロボット中核技術開発,NEDO, 東京, 2019. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[21]Kousuke Mano, Takahiro Hasegawa, Takayoshi Yamashita, Hironobu Fujiyoshi, and Yukiyasu Domae. Fast and precise detection of object grasping positions with eigenvalue templates. In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. IEEE, 2019. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[22]東 和樹, 小澤 隆太, 永田 和之, 万 偉偉, 原田 研介. タスク指向形ソフトウェアシナジーを実現する多指ハンド制御システム. システム制御情報学会論文誌, 32(5):218–226, 2019. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
[23]西 卓郎, 増田 健, 喜多 泰代, 佐藤 雄隆. ホビー用RGB-Dカメラの産業用途適用のためのビジョン技術とその限界. In 画像ラボ, volume 30, pages 1–11. 日本工業出版, 2019. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
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[40]Kaidi Nie, Felix von Drigalski, Joshua C. Triyonoputro, Chisato Nakashima, Yoshiya Shibata, Yoshinori Konishi, Yoshihisa Ijiri, Taku Yoshioka, Yukiyasu Domae, Toshio Ueshiba, Ryuichi Takase, Xinyi Zhang, Damien Petit, Ixchel G. Ramirez-Alpizar, Weiwei Wan, and Kensuke Harada. Team O2AS” approach for the task-board task of the world robot challenge 2018. ADVANCED ROBOTICS, 34(7-8):477–498, 2020. ▶︎[Bib TeX]
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