


Announcement of a keynote speech (IW-FCV2024, 20 Feb., 2024)


Yukiyasu Domae, our team leader, will deliver a keynote speech at IW-FCV2024@Tokyo.
The International Workshop on Frontiers of Computer Vision (IW-FCV) is a historic academic workshop that brings together leading researchers from the global research community in image analysis, computer vision, and deep learning to share their latest research results. IW-FCV2024 will be held as an onsite face-to-face event during Feb. 19-21, 2024 in Tokyo, Japan.

    1. Keynote Lectcure (14:00-15:00, Tuesday, 20 February 2024)
      Robots Learning from Unreal Experiences
      In the context of robots that learn from external information, acquiring visual experiences is a crucial challenge. Recent research has made it increasingly feasible to generate virtual visual data. However, there are several gaps to consider in turning this into 'experience' for behavioral learning, leading to various research approaches. This overview explores familiar techniques for data augmentation and environmental randomization known to image engineers and researchers. Additionally, it delves into methodologies that leverage experiences not easily obtained in reality. The presentation includes examples of applying these approaches to manipulation and cross-modality acquisition.

  • The details are as follows:
    URL: https://sites.google.com/view/iw-fcv2024/home