Powder Handling in Microgravity
-Part 2. Mixing of Binary Solid Particles-

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Takeuchi,H./ Chiba,S.
2000年3月 北海道工業技術研究所報告(Space Forum v.3より転載) 75,20-30

 Binary particle mixtures of lead shots and glass beads show a segregation state under normal gravity condition due to the density difference. Mixing of these particles under microgravity condition was done using an air circulating mixer. The short term microgravity, 10s, was obtained by the drop facility of the Japan Microgravity Center(JAMIC). The mixing index, the fraction of the lead shot, could be calculated by counting the number of two kinds of particles in observed sections. As a result, a good mixing state was achieved and it mainly comes from a different collision behavior between two kinds of particles and the wall of the mixer.