Formation of Ti-Ni Intermetallic Compound by Exothermic Fusion Reaction

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Suzuki,Y./ Shimokawa,K./ Unuma,H./ Ueda,Y.
1991”N3ŒŽ –kŠC“¹H‹ÆŠJ”­ŽŽŒ±Š•ñ 51,55-64

@The SHS process(Self-propagating High-temperature Synthesis) occurs as an exothermic fusion reaction with a great amount of heat released during a very short period in the sinter processing of intermetallic compounds. In this report, the conditions necessary for an exothermic fusion reaction to take place such as the mixing ratio of Ni and Ti powder atmospheric or vacuum pressure prevailing during heating and the heating rate required for homogeneous and purified Ti-Ni intermetallic compound were examined.