The effect of the addition of Ca(OH)2,Al2O3 and MgO on the property of prereduced pellet

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Ueda,Y./ Nishikawa,Y./ Suzuki,Y./ Sayama,S.
1986”N3ŒŽ –kŠC“¹H‹ÆŠJ”­ŽŽŒ±Š•ñ 38,52-63

@In this study the effect of the addition of Ca(OH)2 on the shrinkage, metallization and fusibility of prereduced pellets was examined. It was found that an optimum amount of Ca(OH)2 improved the strength and quality of the pellets, especially the fusibility of the pellets. The basicity in the range of 0.5-1.0 controlled by the addition of lime was favorable for the separation of the metallic iron from the silicate slag in the secondary fusion process. It was observed that the prereduced pellets with the addition of lime fused at a temperature 100Ž lower than that of the prereduced pellets without lime. Further, it was found that the addition of about 1-2wt% Al2O3 or MgO was also favorable for the shrinkage of prereduced pellets.